
Unearned straight white male confidence most likely.

Says the guy who’s clearly offended by an article criticizing the female representation on a TV show.

Yeah, there’s people coming out of the woodwork saying that everyone who knew about these things somehow had the power to prosecute these people themselves.

I want all of Diane’s NPR ringtones.

Doggy Doggy what now?!

I’m not much of an online multiplayer, but I absolutely love Mass Effect 3's multiplayer, and would be totally game for wiping out waves of baddies.

I went to a LAN party last weekend and played Helldivers, a twin stick shooter from 2015. Not only was the online community still active, but they were welcoming to my total ineptitude. The same thing happened when our little group tried to play Left 4 Dead 2 in versus mode. None of us had played the game for at least

Maria Bamford is a treasure & this show is very interesting, its world is very surreal and fun. Her pug Bert who speaks with the voice of Werner Herzog is obviously the standout character.

To my knowledge, you are essentially right. Civil cases can only be brought by the victim. However, it’s possible, yet incredibly difficult, to take criminal action against a person without cooperation by the victim. You would need either other direct witnesses to the crime, or irrefutable circumstantial evidence

Saffron had the patience of a virgin mother of God, just so you know :-)

Saw James Urbaniak at a convention, I had to compliment his/Arthur’s angry soup disposal skills.

Yeah, I’m not calling for a parade for Macfarlane or Difficult People or anything, but at least they didn’t manage to trip over the extremely low bar of remaining completely silent about this, unlike most of the rest of fucking Hollywood.

I used to hate him in Parks & Rec. Then for some reason after I started watching Difficult People, I actually found him funny as Craig. Weird paradigm changing

Don’t forget about national treasure Andrea Martin!

I’ll also stick up for The Good Place, Brooklyn 99, and Bob’s Burgers as being funny shows on TV.

They’re clearly taking it on and flipping it on its head, like they always do. “Oh, you think these two broken people will somehow heal each other? HAHAHAHA! No.”

These are two of my favorite current shows. Rebecca and Bojack have a LOT in common.


Whomever it was that wrote that article needs to be forced to watch the final season of Dexter asap.

Kristen Bell posted a photo on Instagram of the ethics homework made by the props department, and of course it is hilarious and impressive the level of thought they put in making it fit perfectly for each character.