
It probably doesn’t count as pop culture, but Ray Bradbury’s The Halloween Tree is spooky, melancholy, and educational (it’s how I learned about Dia de Muertos!) all at once. It also has one of the best character names in all children’s fiction, Carapace Clavicle Moundshroud.

Teddy in his nurse costume was actual pretty creepy. When he was outside chasing after Bob in the fog it reminded me of the game Silent Hill.

I was kind of “meh” about it, but that’s how I was with “I’m Just a Girl in Love” at the beginning of last season, and by the end was totally making the “BLAM!” face along with Rebecca.

I get it thematically and totally appreciate what they were going for. That said, I’m nowhere near sold on the execution of it.

I think it’s supposed to be a reflection of the mixed messages we receive about people acting crazy, especially women.

Was FF6's big twist partway through another break from convention? I’m not familiar with the JRPG games that came before the SNES, but it seems to me that most of them got by with an excuse plot made of easily-understandable archetypes, like most video games did back then. You’re the good guys, they’re the bad guys,

I concur. There’s just something so unique; equally haunting and enchanting about all the artwork in this game. It possesses a universal aesthetic that still holds up for me... to the same degree as the 3D artwork in Homeworld.


Are you kidding me? Get out of here with that bullshit. I can guarantee you it’s not the only experience like this they’ve had, and their careers would have been ruined had they gone public with it. Fuck you and fuck everyone else whose first thought in the face of blatant systemic exploitation of human beings is

I’ve had the Kylie version on my iPod workout playlist for a couple years now...

The opposite is true. “Smith & Wesson”, from the film, is the original version of the song. It was altered to “Scatterheart” for the album because the album came out weeks ahead of the film, and they felt that the original lyrics would give away the most important and surprising moment in the film.

Nice! I’m going to see Depeche Mode at the Hollywood Bowl tonight.

The code did work, you just think it didn’t because that’s the brain damage cheat working. Pretty realistic, huh?

Wow, jowl-rendering technology sure has come a long way since the 90s.

I hear there is a hidden level you can unlock that simulates the sensation of playing while suffering the effects of a severe concussion!

It’s a good thing that Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is so goddamned funny. If it weren’t, it might be the most depressing show on television.

I’m so excited Crazy Ex is back! I loved this episode, as expected, though the first song was not my favorite. But Let’s Generalize About Men more than makes up for it and I’ve already listened to it a bunch of times.

I kind of look like Patrick and have worked for Fed Ex seasonally in the past.

What I wouldn’t give to have a call like that. “You look better than okay without makeup.”


In the moment I could do better than that. I would think of something.