
Just staring at the colors in the headline pic makes me want to play that game. It’s so warm. So inviting.

Congrats on beating HZD! I’m glad you got so immersed in that awesome robot dinosaur combat! And /comfort on Rockbreakers.

I would LOVE to see her land a program along the lines of Leah Remini’s series on Scientology. She could do a lot of good bringing attention to this problem.

Isn’t the title of EVERY woman-centric TV show ‘ironic’? Why is ‘Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’ any more insulting than ‘Broad City’ or ‘Girls’ or ‘You’re the worst’ or ‘Don’t Trust the bitch in apartment 23'?

Now playing

I think my single favorite number of the series so far was Josh and Greg doing the Donald O’Connor/Gene Kelly inspired “We Tapped That Ass”

It’s definitely a case of Subversive Title Syndrome, which isn’t great for viewers. I love musical, but I also love that those who usually don’t are enjoying the show!

Same here! The title turned me off, but then I kept seeing episode after episode get an A here on AV Club. After a few weeks my husband was actually the first to say “We should give this a try.” And now it’s appointment television.

I cannot wait for this show to come back. And I never would have tried it if I hadn’t heard so many raves about it here on the AV Club! I’m not a fan of musicals generally and the title seems so dismissive. It’s the hardest thing about selling my friends on the show.

A CN exec recently stated that TV ratings really dont matter as much to CN as they had before, and they’re really pushing the CN app/on-demand services which have tons of episodes for every current CN show and some old ones (Regular Show, Uncle Grandpa, Teen Titans, Captain Planet, and then some).

I love watching this show with my kids.

I’m fairly certain it gets really high ratings consistently, plus one can just pop in a watch a couple without it being the middle parts of a long storyline. Which is why Nick plays Spongebob so much.

On the plus side, it’s a perfectly cromulent statue of Tig Notaro.

That’s less Kylie and more Mannequin 3: The Quest for Blood.

And why make a statue of Ronaldo and not include his body. That’s the best part!

I’m guessing from that header picture that Supergirl gave up on journalism to pursue a career as a country singer?

Yep, there’s a pretty big difference between how difficult a game is and how punishing is. The latter tends to be the more frustrating. A game like Meat Boy has short levels that will kill you repeatedly, but you always feel willing to step back in. But if you made a game that was super easy, but dying puts you back

Night owls unite! -high-five-

Hey Gameologerinos! The Gameological Steam group is currently discussing recent stick-figure RPG West of Loathing in the Revue Club, our book club for video games. Join the discussion at this link!

Cuphead needs a difficulty selection that changes -only- the amount of health you start with. I finally got through the game yesterday, but there’s no ‘easy’ mode so that I can play co-op with my non-gamer girlfriend.