
Neither can I.

Not sure if you knew this already, but there actually was a Japanese live action show called Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon from the early 2000s. If your daughter is old enough to tolerate subtitles, I bet she would really love it.

This is such a great article. The back and forth between Ward and Solotoff is hilarious, but it ends on an oddly melancholy note. While I’m certainly glad that we ended up just getting the anime over this, I really appreciate and applaud Ward’s forward thinking and belief that stuff like this could be successful. It’s

The thing about liking big pecs is interesting as well, as Dan mentions that it’s kind of related flipside version of being into boobs. Color me guilty of that one, I love a big chest on a man...

I actually...kind of like all of the characters in the game other than F.A.N.G. I mean, I suck with a lot of them (Kolin, I really just don’t understand how you work), but I like their designs, varied playstyles, and appreciate that Capcom has brought back characters from every iteration of the series thus far (except

If you mean the cast of the original Street Fighter 2 game, then E. Honda is the only one missing. T. Hawk, Dee Jay and Fei Long (who is also not in SFV) didn’t join the cast until Super Street Fighter 2.

Seriously, every first-hand account I’ve ever heard about Kylie Minogue talks about what a good-natured, lovable sweetheart she is. I love that woman.

BoJack Horseman snubbed again. I don’t know why I’m surprised, but I thought maybe this might be the year.

Interesting. I agree that Truant is a pretty obnoxious character, but I think the Truant sections are necessary to show how the house destroys someone’s life not only in a direct way, like the Navidsons, but in an indirect, emotional/mental/obsession way, like Zampano and Truant. Maybe they could just work on making

She was dropped from her record label after that album came out, and her record label owned all of her songs and her stage name. I know she fought it for a while, but considering she hasn’t released a full-length album since then, I’d guess it didn’t work out in her favor in the end. :(

Man, Poe’s legal troubles and the way they decimated her career really make me angry and sad. Haunted was such a beautiful and creepy album, I really wanted to hear more from her. 

I’m worried Maritza is not going to be in this season at all, or will be reduced to a small guest appearance or something. Since she’s my favorite character, this will anger and sadden me.

Oh yeah, the costuming is great. Hell, even the hairstyles are great in spite of what I said above. I just mean, that authentic 80s hair doesn’t come without years of abuse from teasing and blowdrying.

I always feel like modern shows that take place in the 80s never look authentic enough because everyone’s hair looks too healthy. I mean, yeah, they can tease it and spray the hell out of it, but really, the hair underneath all of that never looks fried enough.

It was great to see most of the season 1 queens on stage again, wasn’t it? (Tammie was sorely missed though) Nina Flowers still looks fierce all these years later.

I think S4 was weaker than 2 or 3, but it was still a really damn good season. “Stupid Piece of Shit,” “Ruthie” and “Time’s Arrow” rank up there among the best episodes of the whole series.

What’s Diane’s deal again? She’s like an Asian Daria?

Considering last season ended with Bojack making two genuinely unselfish decisions, I’m somewhat hopeful he’ll make some positive strides this season. Considering Princess Carolyn, Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter seem to be on downward spirals, I hope to see at least one character in this show do better.

Missing Elohim’s self-titled album. It’s been a long time coming, but it doesn’t disappoint.

I think the bit that made me laugh the hardest was Mindy St. Claire explaining to Eleanor and Chidi why they always end up going back to the Good Place after trying to escape. “Sometimes you get embarrassed because you walked in on me while I was masturbating, or I walked in on you while I was masturbating...”