
Thank you for your service!

I agree that narratively, having Celes hit rock bottom before discovering a glimmer of hope is much more effective. It just feels so mean. :(

Oh yeah, you can definitely fall into a rhythm once you become familiar enough with the enemies and your moves. It reminds me a little bit of the Arkham games in that sense.

Is this your first time playing FFVI? I'm just curious about how your time on the Solitary Island with Cid concluded?

If I have enough time, I definitely will. The reaction to SMG2 seems to be even more enthusiastic than the first game.

I agree that gameplay-wise, Maridia is the weakest section of the game, but I always forgive it because it has my favorite music in the game. That slinky, slithering melody <3

Out of curiosity, which Hyper Light Drifter dungeon did you beat?

So, my roommate will be moving out at the end of this month, and taking his Wii U with him. This means my Nintendo Renaissance will be ending since I don't really have any plans to get a Wii U or Switch of my own, at least not for now.

Shea Coulee looks like Grace Jones and I'm here for it.

Dogville is so excrutiatingly slow sometimes, but I'll be damned if I didn't feel like a bad person feeling weirdly satisfied at the ending.

This is how we know global warming is a hoax invented by China. Ever since those Snowmads showed up, we've had lots of cold weather!

Man, those N64-era Rare games really were collect-a-thons, weren't they? I have somewhat faint memories of both of the Banjo games having way too many categories of collectibles to hunt every level for.

This is a good point. I dare say that children often take things like family and friendship for granted, since most of us (hopefully) have never faced true hardship when we were children. Scenes like this (in all media) play your heartstrings better when you have experienced human cowardice and heroism firsthand.

Charlie Booker has got to be a seer or something.

This has nothing to do with the article, or your point about Red XIII's tribe, but last time I played this game, I teared up at Red XIII learning the truth about his father. I've become such a baby as I've grown older.

It's hinted at in the main game, and then confirmed in Crisis Core that Wutai was a separate, sovereign nation that lost a war against Shinra,

Oh my gosh, you guys, I was a puddle of tears by the end of this series. So many questions finally answered, and some bittersweet resolution for poor Finn.

Oh man, the twists just kept getting crueler. Two bad-ass, seemingly capable adults fighting to make their way home to their kids? Awesome!
Oh…their kids aren't the Baudelaires? Well…that sucks, but at least they're still capable heros, right? They still knew the Baudelaire parents, maybe they'll help out our

That FFVIII screenshot does a pretty good job summarizing the whole game, to be honest.

Not really, but…the children themselves do become more adept at handling whatever the world throws at them. For me, at least, that was enough to find some hope in the cruel world the show establishes in the first few episodes.