
I was just in a super boring staff meeting struggling to stay awake. Then my coworker used the word "inordinate" and I perked up…yes, I perked up thanks to seeing this episode recently, but I can still confirm the word's potency.

I agree it can get kind of silly, but in some cases, it leads to some pretty effective cutscenes. In the first Bioshock, watching the Big Daddy absolutely tear a splicer apart was a pretty terrifying way to foreshadow how formidable they are. Likewise, the scene where you watch Andrew Ryan gas Julie Langford through a

Wrapping up Bioshock in the Bioshock Collection. Once I finish the main game, I'll check out the Challenge Rooms see if they're worth playing through (I'm feeling somewhat doubtful). I think I'll probably play something else before I move on to Bioshock 2.

Which is the Sonic song that "Together Again" by Janet Jackson lifted its melody from?

He's gonna wash that man right outta his hair.

Good question, actually. Making a mental note to read about the history of cartoon porn later.

Oops. Sorry. Added a warning so there will hopefully be no embarrassment for any others.

(Loud hip hop song with NSFW language warning)

Sexy/pornographic drawings predate the wheel, I'm sure. If we're not traveling efficiently, we at least need some good wank material.

Believable version of this commercial: The spectator is male, and Mr. Clean takes off his shirt to reveal a leather harness.

Most episodes introduce a pretty well-worn sci-fi trope or gimmick, but take them to unexpected places, usually snowballing to a completely insane third act. Throw in a healthy serving of nihilism, a committed performance by the actors (with lots of phenomenal ad libbing), and the occasional touch of human emotion,

I see it. Charles had a bit of that lovable sad-sack thing going for him, kind of like Tim from The Office.

The reviewer calling the Quagmire children "lucky twerps" above? I think he might feel bad about that pretty soon.

Also, I loved that they made Sir and Charles romantic partners in addition to business partners. Low-key representation for sure, but I appreciated it at least.

Wow, consider me surprised. I actually thought these last two episodes were the strongest of the season, and I think it had a lot to with the introduction of a second charismatic villain (Catherine O'Hara was fantastic), and changing the formula just enough to keep it interesting.

Yeah, you stupid, white-guilt, milquetoast piece of human garbage!

Even longer (and age-restricted) answer: "yes," with a "butt."

I mean, I'm not gonna downplay how big of a crush I had on Kyan Douglas. God bless those episodes where he got shirtless too.

I wish the writers would let Rafael have a fun, light-hearted arc for once. It has been non-stop family deaths, drama, and betrayal for him.

Oops, should have read your comment before I made mine.