I like how Michael settled on "lawyer" after complaining he didn't like deskwork. I know in movies, lawyers are sharp-tongued bad-ass (and/or morally dubious) litigators, but in real life, lawyers are shackled to their desks.
I like how Michael settled on "lawyer" after complaining he didn't like deskwork. I know in movies, lawyers are sharp-tongued bad-ass (and/or morally dubious) litigators, but in real life, lawyers are shackled to their desks.
All walls are great if the roof doesn't fall
I've never read the books, but as someone who was ready to quit the show around this point, if The Miserable Mill is any indication, I'll be very pleased to see where the series goes from here.
I found these two episodes to be the weakest bit of the season. I mostly enjoyed Woodard as Aunt Josephine, but the character's cowardice was too much for me to handle. If her resolve at the end of the episode to stand up herself had actually helped the children in some way, it might have made her death a little more…
"Nothing sinister has ever happened in the real estate business."
I have to confess, I actually thought a puffin was a type of penguin until this post cause me to go google it.
Arcadia is the garden/forest area of Rapture (the part where you have to develop the Lazarus Vector to revive the trees), so at least Lasagna was relevant!
Man, I decided to give up earning most of the bonus characters in Sailor Moon Drops, but Super Sailor Moon is my favorite Sailor Moon, so…
Yeah, I can't see myself walking away from Nintendo entirely, because frankly, they (almost) always nail it when it comes to their flagship series. But I also can't imagine myself salivating for new consoles at release because it seems that's really all they have going for them.
Yeah, it's pretty baffling when you sit and think about it, but I can't deny that I have suffered through some tedious bullshit many times just to earn a trophy.
I'm sure the saliva and mucus on your face was pretty gross, but at least a cat sneezing is cuter than a human sneezing.
Happy National Penguin Awareness Day everyone! Let the penguins in your life know how much you are aware of them. As far as I know, there's nothing else important about today.
Thanks for the info! Tomb Raider is another game from a few years ago that I missed but have been meaning to check out!
Yeah, you're probably right. Still a shame, though. Lines like "Like my pussy, you two have wonderful taste" and "Sheket bevaka-shut the fuck up!" are hilarious in their audacity.
Ideally, I would have finished Bioshock 2 yesterday (the Socialist dystopia) and started Infinite today (the jingoistic dystopia)
I've been a bit disappointed that, other than the uncensored version of "Shit Show," there haven't been any explicit versions of the songs this season. The explicit versions of "I Give Good Parent" and "JAP Battle" are some of the funniest and most clever songs to come from the show
Yeah, I know it involves time travel and dimensional rifts, and that has the potential to get messy and riddled with plot-holes.
I'm actually kind of surprised to hear this, as I've heard generally positive things about Infinite.
DQ8's "poof poof" scene is maybe the hardest I've ever laughed at a video game.
I picked this up this week, but I haven't started it yet. But I will maybe this weekend!