
I know I'm really late on this one, but I played this game over the holiday, so it's fresh on my mind.

Oi, if I ever cross that line. I was never allowed to install games on the family computer as a kid, so in my head, games are still very much a console thing. If that ever changes…

This game is based off the Captain Toad minigames from Super Mario 3D World, right? Because I really liked those

It doesn't really beat playing it yourself, but if you're convinced you'll never beat the boss, you could always just watch the level on YouTube. It's a delight to the senses.

By the way, it's kind of a shame that this is where you got stuck, because the very next level (3-1, Grassland Groove) is probably the best and most memorable level in the game.

Yeah, the game is pretty tough, so I can understand if people get frustrated with it.

Splatoon was another one I briefly played this year. I didn't quite understand the mechanics of it, I just played a few vs. matches with my roommate (lost horribly). Eventually, I'm going to play the single-player campaign to properly train myself on the game.

My roommate has Dark Souls, and I keep meaning to take the plunge. I will eventually.

How about a What Were the Best "New to You" Games of 2016 thread?

What I love most about the game is the level design. Nearly every single level has some mechanic or gimmick that is unique to only that level, and does a great job of ramping up the difficulty as the level goes on. The scenery is bright and colorful and interesting (seriously, Grassland Groove especially is a pure…

Uncharted 4, Street Fighter V and Layers of Fear were the only games I played this year that were actually from this year. And I enjoyed all of them greatly (in spite of Capcom's botching of SFV's release which I fear it will never recover from, the game has become a really robust and great fighter).

I'm really going to miss Patrick Wilson's behind in those merlot police uniform pants, though.

So now we're passing joints in class?

That's the dream, isn't it?

I voted for Persona 5 for Most Anticipated Game, but holy cow, 2017 is gonna be amazing if all of those games can deliver.

I guess now's as good a time as any to pick up FFXV.

I've been wanting to play Stick of Truth myself, but the ads for The Fractured But Whole say that games comes WITH SOT, so I might just wait it out.

lol, this just goes to show my sense of time is all awry and I'm way behind on new games.

The biggest negative surprise for me was the Arkham series devolving from the gold standard of an open-world action game to a mess of bad controls and bugs. What happened there?

Thanks for putting in the work, and yeah, this is dedicating quite a bit of time to searching, tallying and scoring. As fun as it is, your decision to hang it up is quite understandable!