
I like to imagine that she was very particular about what angle she was shot from, and the framing, because just about every single shot of her has something special in it, like a bust of Tutankhamun or an idle cigarette with a plume of smoke rising in the air.

I wouldn't mind it so much if they at least understood where it came from, but alas. :(

Man, the epilogue to Paris is Burning stings, doesn't it? In fact, it gets even worse when you read what happened to the majority of the main participants after the film was released.

-Twink with abs that are clearly airbrushed on
-Quirky completely underdeveloped girl
-Han Solo with fancy clothes
-Dominatrix bunny woman with Bjork accent
-The actual main characters, Ashe and Basch

Agree 100%. I can see why the whole chess-meets-fantasy thing would be incredibly dull to some, but for me having to seriously think through and plan each battle is pretty engaging.

How "Link's Awakening" of them

Tactics has a pretty great plot as well, actually, although the original PS version was translated so poorly it's a bit hard to follow. When I played the War of the Lions version, I was pleasantly surprised to find a more mature plot about politics and religion rather than another MacGuffin Quest: Search for the Thingy

I've replayed most of the series within the last few years, and the only ones I struggled to get through were VIII and IX. VIII had some really bizarre gameplay design choices that made it a bit of a chore, and IX is great, but it feels sooooo sloooooow…the battles seem to take forever.

It's definitely the best out of all the main themes for the series, IMO. Spaghetti western meets quasi-Eastern pan actually wouldn't be out of place on a Quentin Tarantino soundtrack.

Just sharing the love for clarinet. It's probably my favorite orchestra instrument.

"deep clarinet, mallet percussion, and gentle atmospheric electronics that's supplemented with bizarre sounds"

I'm in agreement that VI is overall the best game, but I think Final Fantasy V is my favorite to replay because it's the most fun.

Thank you for the tips!

This is what the game needs, IMO. I went through all of the Blitzball tutorials, but still didn't quite understand which stats are beneficial to which positions. I suppose to people who like sports, it's probably pretty obvious, but I'm a dolt with stuff like that.

Yeah, that's what I did. My first playthrough was me just trying to figure things out for myself, now I wanna go back and comb through it in detail.

The only song that comes to mind is "Lo How a Rose"

He makes really great mayonnaise.

I played the Prime trilogy for the first time through about 9 months ago, and I'm already itching to play them again for 100% games.

So I beat the main game of Final Fantasy X HD this last week, but I'm gonna dive back in and try to do all the sidequests. I've never actually gotten all of the celestial weapons. I think Wakka's will be the worst for me, because I really dislike Blitzball. :( I realized that I frustratingly missed ONE GD Al Bhed

My favorite vignette this season has to be Paget Brewster's story about Eleanor Roosevelt and Ludmila Pavlichenko. The way she started crying near the end was genuinely touching and even got me tearing up.