I think that people underestimate this show because they don't like Zooey Deschanel. And I get that, I don't like her either, or, more accurately, I didn't used to like her.
I think that people underestimate this show because they don't like Zooey Deschanel. And I get that, I don't like her either, or, more accurately, I didn't used to like her.
So my confession at this moment is that I also like pre-movie trivia. I'm leaving this comment fully accepting that I shall not awake no more.
*sets up lawn chair exactly 100 feet away from polling place with loaded shotgun*
Every time I hear the opening chords of that song, I think of "Plants and Rags" by PJ Harvey
I'm so relieved to see others who were #TeamTrent tonight. The character may be crazy, but damn that actor is sexy, ne c'est pas?
I'm gonna go ahead and put spoiler tags in case anyone HASN'T played this game and is maybe waiting for the remake.
This is true, although I'm gonna go ahead and count all of the female characters and their connection to animals as magical, in which case all three main female characters are included (Lenna/wind drakes, Faris/Syldra, and Krile/moogles)
Wynken, Blynken and Nod
I'm trying to think of a main line FF game that doesn't have a major plot point involving a magical girl, and I'm utterly failing. Does the first FF count?
Our toast it is white and our ale it is brown!
My first playthrough of FFX, I must have lucked out or whatever when I first fought Seymour in Mt. Gagazet, because I barely even remembered that boss. I'm currently playing this game again, and it took me a good 6 or 7 tries to beat that guy.
I still haven't finished Final Fantasy X HD, but I have been playing it recently (for a couple months, I haven't been playing games much at all). I finally got the airship and am free to do whatever, but I'm finding myself way too underleveled for many of the sidequests. Especially those Dark Aeon battles, Dark…
Also, the boss uses an all-targeting instant death move when it's at low HP that you can't avoid, so if you don't have any armor that defends against death, you'll have to go back to the last village.
I much prefer the updated English translation, since the words actually match the rhythm. I remember trying to sing along to the SNES version when I was smaller and having to add all kinds of pick-up notes and melismas just to make the words fit.
My fever-dream remake of FFVI is completely 3D, but cel-shaded and in the style of Amano's art, all wispy and full of sashes and beads and dour pursed lips on all the characters. Fully orchestrated soundtrack too. (with an option to toggle to the original soundtrack)
Man, I love anything from the 60s that was set in the future. Everything looks like the set of a Bob Fosse-choreographed musical. Makes me want some of those glowing rings that were everywhere in the Jetsons.
Glad for the bara fans, Prompto for the bishounen fans.
The amount of dirty fanart I've already seen of the cast (particularly Gladiolus) is substantial. Even the cast of Overwatch is like "Whoa…"
I wasn't planning on getting this game in quite a while, but I must admit, all the excitement I'm seeing about its release might be enough to make me break down and get it. An early Christmas present for myself, maybe?
God I love when Nick says something competely idiotic, and then acts like the smartest person in the room. "Do you actually think they perfected this blender in 4 tries? No."