
I'm gonna bring up the question I always do whenever I hear someone is playing a Dragon Age game: Who are you gonna bone?

Hey Gameologicans, since it's been such a hard week for many of us (personally, I've had an unshakable queasiness in my stomach since the election), just wanted to post a little GS love-fest and thank everyone here for always being so kind, respectful, and interesting. This is honestly one of the only comment sections

The fact that the controller isn't wireless is such a huge design flaw. Nintendo surely has to be smarter than that.

Jaime Camil is indeed always sexy, but adding box-frame glasses into the mix just takes it to the next level.

Oh no, no, trust me, I'm always admiring the tailoring on those colorful chino pants he likes to wear. They hug every well-toned curve. My eyeballs are replaced with little cartoon hearts pretty much anytime he's on screen.

Man, "The Math of Love Triangles" is maybe my favorite number in this show since "Settle For Me." The song was an earworm, the lyrics were funny, choreography was great, AND a chorus of sexy gay math professors? Yes, ma'am.

Yeah, I'm sorry that you have to put up with bullshit like that, especially when it comes from LG people who really should know better than to tell others about their sexuality.

It took you three weeks before you could even look at the game cartridge again.

Earlier this week, I had a random inkling to listen to "Moonlight Party" from Bust a Groove 2. That bassline breaks the law, son.

Yeah, I read about that RimWorld thing. How strange the cultural assumption that male bisexuality isn't real led the developer to literally making that the case in this game.

I'm being really negative about all of this, but at this point, no matter who is actually elected, I'm expecting there to be more domestic terrorist attacks, Pulse Nightclub and Charleston church style. The idiot alt-right white supremacist hornet's nest has already been kicked.

That's cool. There's also a charm to playing with 8-bit sprites and chiptunes. One thing I would recommend, though, is to at least look online and see which spells are bugged. Since you have limited space for spells, it would suck if you wasted it on a spell that doesn't even work (and there are a few of them).

Which version of the game are you playing? OG NES?

I have to admit, I am a bit of a sucker for the recent remakes of the NES and SNES FF games, yes, even the much-maligned FFV and FFVI ports. Part of it is just the normalization of spell and item names (i.e. Thunder and Thundara vs. Lightning and Lightning 2, etc.), and the other part of it is fixing of bugs. I wish

This was the worst when I would try to participate commenting on hugely popular shows like Breaking Bad or Mad Men. By the time I got to the thread at 8am, it was already 1000+ comments deep.

I've been kind of itching for a new Wii U game to play, and I love a charming Mario game, so I might pick this up sometime soon.

My roommate is out of town this weekend, and I'm laying low on the partying after a crazy Halloween weekend, so I think I'll actually play some games this weekend! I'm hoping to finally finish Final Fantasy X HD after which I'll dive right into Final Fantasy X-2 HD. I'm of the segment of people who actually prefers

Now that I've had a chance to actually watch the video and hear the song, I've gotta commend her for tackling such a vulnerable and rare subject (at least rare to me; are there many rap songs that tackle mental health?). I also appreciate all the nerd-references

Adam did not authorize her to do that.