Screw anxiety Attacks!
Screw anxiety Attacks!
Yeah, a lot of people really don't grasp the Gravity of the disorder.
I dunno, I feel like the more dissonant tracks from the NES Metroid wouldn't feel out of place in horror, albeit horror that's maybe more abstract and surreal than it is outright terrifying. Hell, even "Kraid's Lair" which is arguably the most melodic track in the game feels pretty unsettling.
You know, when I watched season 1 a second time, I actually empathized with Valencia quite a bit. It's easy to see her as the villain because she's so mean and petty, but when you take a step back and look at it, she's the only person who can see what Rebecca is doing and one of the only honest characters. Of course…
Dude, shut up and listen to my wise reprise.
Man, that duck pond scene really got to me, especially the tears welling up in Greg's eyes.
"Exposed and raw
Whose boobs can't even fill a training bra"
My favorite choreography from CEG so far is definitely "Settle for Me." I was grinning from ear to ear the whole time. The Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers pastiche mixed with pathetic lyrics that go just one step further than you expect <3 Also, the tap (which is not on the studio recording of the song) adds so much.
The Adventure Time episode "Hall of Egress" (the episode where Finn is stuck in a dungeon and can't open his eyes until he finds the exit) actually gave me nightmares. Not because it's scary, but it's philosophically rich, and after watching it I couldn't stop thinking about it.
I think she probably meant "Hispanic" instead of "Latina," but she's not wrong.
She's a great character. The show does a good job of framing her as a villain until you take a step back and look at things from her perspective.
Gabrielle Ruiz was upgraded to regular cast member instead of just recurring, so I'm guessing Valencia will actually be in this season much more than she was in the last season.
The Hauntening, for sure. That's actually in my top 5 episodes ever. Gene's "That is not a good use of that room!" reaction was maybe the hardest I've ever laughed at this show.
God, Tina's black lace choker…Perfect.
Man, it was really cathartic those last few episodes when Rebecca started making some positive changes in her behavior, and thus her life. Of course that all had to go to shit. :(
Yeah this was especially apparent in "You Stupid Bitch."
The stinger in the episode was wonderfully deranged.
That gif reminded me of Gay of Thrones, the end tag of "Where are…" "…my dragons?" *30 seconds of posing*
And this violence is likely going to be directed towards minorities. This exactly what scares me about the U.S. election. I hope I'm just being dramatic, but honestly I'm expecting more Charleston Church and Pulse Nightclub style attacks against black people, hispanics, muslims, LGBT, etc.
I finally convinced my roommate that it was time to erase that from our DVR because it wasn't very good. It was either that or season 2 of Fargo, and I advocated strongly in favor of Fargo.