Well, no. For the story (the LEGEND, really) of Syphilis, I take us back to the summer of 2006, just after my junior year of college. The craft beer flowed freely that season…
Well, no. For the story (the LEGEND, really) of Syphilis, I take us back to the summer of 2006, just after my junior year of college. The craft beer flowed freely that season…
All you have to do is push this rock up this hill. Easy, right?
Yeah, I was willing to tolerate some of her bratty behavior simply based off how talented she is, but her racist Twitter rant against Zayn Malik was beyond the pale. She needs a therapist.
I love Amber Riley's face when she sings "This woman is wondering if she should terminate her pregnancy." The seriousness of the line contrasted with her cheesy bright smile is comedy gold.
What's everyone's theory on exactly how the musical sequences fit into the universe of the show? I know this is probably one of those things you're just not supposed to over-analyze, but I still think it's interesting to think about.
Due to certain sexual preferences, I will admit that my thrust for heavy boobs is less than enthusiastic. They're just sacks of yellow fat.
Sexy Getting Ready Song, I Give Good Parent, JAP Battle, and I'm a Good Person come to mind.
Sometimes Rachel Bloom will post an explicit, NSFW-version of songs on her youtube page after the episode has aired (if they had to censor it for the TV broadcast). It's always surprising how far some of them go.
My favorite part of this song is Friend of Friend from Law School's completely confused facial expressions the entire time.
BTW, yes, there is a song called "Heavy Boobs"
I like the song, and I especially like the costumes (very Les Folies Bergere!), but I'll admit I'm a little disappointed we didn't get a new animated sequence.
Verbal curb stomper over here.
But seriously, though, this show is really really good and surprisingly dark. It's like Bojack Horseman meets Flight of the Conchords.
I know of at least a few people who never watched it during its run because they hated the title and thought it was going to be some kind of obnoxious bro-comedy, and pretty much every online review I've read or watched mentions the title, so yeah, I'd guess it was a pretty unfortunate factor. They were glad when I…
I'm hoping for a miracle for Crazy Ex Girlfriend. Maybe its Netflix run picked up enough people to improve the ratings.
"What about the cop?"
"What cop? …oh!"
Now that I've seen the episode, your review is spot on. Low on scares and plot, but a table setting episode can be useful so long as the payoff is worth it.
Can I just say how much I appreciate seeing this review here tonight? I've been really enjoying this series and have been looking for people to talk about it with. And somehow missed the fact that there was a review last week too.
It just…felt like Alaska overkill. I'm not saying she didn't slay this competition, because anyone can see that she did. And I'm not even blaming her ugly moment in the last episode, because I can write that off as a human moment of desperation and panic. It just feels like the competition was purposely set up against…
This reminds me of the time I did the Rannoch mission way too early in ME3, and didn't have enough reputation points to get one of the "best" outcomes and then all my favorite characters died.