
More because he can slap a single through any hole with his eyes closed and still has decent speed. Also because Jeter stinks out loud in the number 2 slot. Ichiro has a better BA, OBP and SLG than Jeter without the benefit Carlos Beltran's protection.

"Fans who declare they'd be a better baseball manager than their team's current manager, when if they were the manager, their pitching staff would all have arm troubles from misuse."

Joe Girardi presumably knows what he's doing with the Yankee bullpen, but anyone with Ichiro (regardless of age) at his disposal and bats

And ruin that mile high smile?

Buxom stenographer.

Dark as a black steer's tookis on a moonless prairie night.

If your options are only Martin and Lewis or Amos and Andy, you might still get it for $5. It's when you get into Cheech and Chong or Lenny and Squiggy territory that the prices really go up.

I think you mean "tableau."

This show seems to take place during the WIllis Reed era.

John Doe's sex weapon.

I'm A Bringing Out the Dead fan and just wanted to chirp its praises as decent late Scorsese. Grimy NY streets, great soundtrack, solid Cage complete with patented freakout, good supporting ensemble… For me it was a lot more fun and interesting than Gangs, and less insulting than Shutter Island. Hugo was plenty

And full of grease for maximum cinema gas.

Same here. Spoon is in no way offensive, and I had a decent time when I went to a show with a huge fan of theirs, but they leave no impression on me at all. Whenever I tune into the FM band in Austin I frequently hear the DJ say that he just played a Spoon tune. Then I think back to the last song and try to remember

Watching tonight on the DVR so I didn't read forward, but liked for use of "aerial cancer." Thanks for the recaps, by the way.

I'm a sucker for a longshot. Go Charlie Brown!

Now I know the sound of a dozen gimmick accounts simultaneously banking a comment.

Holy shit, it's Wild Bill! Who knew?
Answer: People who are not fooled by wigs.

Well shit, man. The things I rattled off were reasons why I think it sucks to visit Houston, which I've done plenty of times. You said yourself it's a bad tourist destination. If not for my reasons, then why? And what about the paradox of being a bad place to visit but a nice place to live?

Right. Surely whoever wrote this could have taken an extra day and brought it to his old frat house to see if it passed muster with his bros.

I may be uninformed, but I'd wager she wears extensions in her hair, so it seems she would fall to "C" if she was still under 30.

I agree that the sprawl, the poor public transit, the humidity, the bad local sports teams, the refinery odor, the lack of proximity to a beach, and the general homogeneity are all reasons why it's no fun to visit Houston… But what is it about living there that makes all these things tolerable? Honest question. My