
synonyms: all right, acceptable, suitable, good (enough), passable, satisfactory, adequate, reasonable, tolerable; informal: OK

Somebody wake me when movies are done with Adam Driver. I'm perfectly fine sleeping for a decade if that's what it takes.

If only Uber had existed in the 90's. We may never have been burdened with The Lexus and the Olive Tree.

I thought it was a sick John Quincy Adams burn that I didn't understand.

I also saw this when I was 12 and thought Cage and Travolta deserved 4 best actor nominations.

Mahmoun's changed my life. Had no idea falafel could be that good.

Nah, all ya gotta do is say something dismissive about Houston.

Also known as "upvote."

If the opening kickoff is brought to you by the US war machine, they damn well better pay for the sponsorship. Only thing the NFL did wrong was not telling the public they were consuming paid recruitment advertisements.

…as long as we stop at the end of the first verse.

Woulda been better if you just said "counterpoint"

Yeah, I think the one on the foreground looks weird because perhaps there's another one behind it on the left? Also it's kinda brown…

It's more of an Albany thing.

That's too much cilantro! Throw it in the trash and start over!

If this is what we're doing here, does anyone know the name of the Roald Dahl short story (I think it was Dahl, anyway) where he goes off on a 2-page screed about the awfulness of Dallas Texas?

I always thought Milo looked like the love-child of Henry Rollins and Drew Carey.

Also from Texas. Knowing my vote for President doesn't count whether I vote according to my hopes or according to my fears, I always choose the former.

My wife popped in halfway through Season 2 when it started getting particularly dark. She's not interested in starting from the beginning.

Not sure how it gets funded, but it gets a distribution deal at Sundance. You're welcome.
Robert Redford.

Guh. I haven't watched this series since I became a parent. In which authority figure will I see my own monstrous reflection?