
My mother went to Morocco last month and brought me back a tagine. Gonna break it in and try that recipe later this week. The dried apricots in there sounds brilliant.

Just discovered the wonders of the cold skillet method for cooking chicken. Renders the fat from the skin, leaving it crispy. Even stayed that way after a quick, semi-covered braising. Totally nailed dinner last night. And then Mrs. Pafko too. Thanks America's Test Kitchen!

I'd never heard of VeggieTales (Jewish) until my high school chemistry teacher, a very nice, gentle, Flanders-y man got fed up with the ambivalence of the class. To express his frustration and prove a point that was completely lost on us, he showed a room full of 16 year olds a video of animated produce singing a song

I had half my attention focused on cooking and guessed Insomnia Muppet.

Nah, he bet zero. It's the only sane bet in that situation. Why risk anything when you have $22,000 and a chance to play again already guaranteed? Bet $1 and miss, and 99 times out of 100 you're screwed if the person with exactly half your score gets the answer right.

Maire's huge mistake overshadowed the fact that Campbell seems like a solid champion. Dude was all business. And though it isn't rocket science, he knew exactly what to do in that FJ situation. When I saw him resting, hands folded, at the end of the response time I half expected to see that he didn't bother writing

They need euphemisms for those categories to make them acceptable. See "Potent Potables" as code for "You're A Drunk."

Props to Shloka for at least risking enough on the DD to pull even with the leader. We've seen so many people make $2-3K bets in that situation lately, as if being behind by $7000 or $3000 makes a lick of difference going into final.
Also, I'm proud of myself for pulling Ptolemy's geocentric whatnot out of my arse


*Smiles widely; slowly backs toward the door*

I missed it. I remember Cuomo's outrage over The Sopranos, but it didn't occur to me that he was such a stick in the mud as a younger man that he would have boycotted The Godfather. I guessed Apocalypse Now, thinking his boycott had something to do with Vietnam. I'm so out of the New York minutiae loop. I really

Trebek was THOROUGHLY amused when this handsome gentleman put on a Russian accent to respond "Who is Putin?" earlier in the game. I, on the other hand, spent the rest of game hoping an anvil would fall on his head.
EDIT: This happens around 7:20 in the video. The accent, not the anvil.

She's absolutely afraid of the Daily Doubles.

ESBs rule the day.

Your boss is the worst taxi dispatcher ever. You, on the other hand, are a fine and responsible….man, I guess, judging by the anatomy.

Will you at least duck out at lunch for a couple pints and half a soccer game?

Deep cut, there. Care to join me for a grog at the Scumm Bar?

His Rockwell collection pretty much tells you all you need to know about George Lucas. Doesn't Spielberg also have an obscenely large collection of lame art?

If HBO is the new Cinemax, what does that make Cinemax?

I thought Australia acquitted themselves quite well, even in the Chile game. It's too bad they had such a tough draw. Was a pleasure to watch those guys!