
That handball really bothered me. At least the rule surrounding it did. There was 100000% physical certainty that Ghana's ball was going in the goal, yet Ghana has to take a PK anyway. Of course Gyan should have buried the PK in the back of the net, but he shouldn't have had to take it. Stupid rules.

Make sure it's tuna packed in water. The oil-packed tuna produces horrifying results in the litter box.

Well said. Better than I said it downstream. Yours could be published. Mine needs fleshing out.

Excellent point. But I think finishing a degree also says something about your abilities to follow through on a commitment and develop a specified knowledge base. There are a million other ways for a young person to demonstrate that, though. And most don't cost 6 figures. Also, I wrote a shitload of other peoples'

Poor Dominator. Nobody can overcome the Buffalo curse. Not sure how the city isn't an easier punchline than Cleveland by now.

You gotta lay down those stripey arrows that reset your engine temperature and silence that horrible grinding whine.

How did the Austin meetup go a few months back? I meant to drop by, but, well, I didn't.

I've already made a tragic World Cup mistake. Last week I agreed to be a panelist at a community forum on homelessness……at the exact time Ghana vs. USA kicks off. I can probably blow it off, though. Americans are so soccer-rabid and homeless-ambivalent that nobody will show up anyway, right?

Will you be sipping the TIM DUNKEL??

Pretty far down the thread now and nobody's mentioned Argentina. Group stage will be a cakewalk, so I suspect they'll be fresh for the knockout rounds. I always root for African teams (especially Ghana) but I don't think a single African squad will advance past the group stage.

Breaking Bad = Hanging Curveball

My first guess too. This from Wikipedia:

I guessed Israel first, but then starting thinking about the wording since I wasn't positive my first answer was right. I then guessed Malta after deciding they must be asking for an island. Turns out English is not an official language of Israel, but Arabic is. How diplomatic.

No need to duck. The kids at these emo shows don't know how to fight.

Brian almost blew it at the end of DJ there. Seems with only 2 clues remaining he should have wagered enough to put himself at least $2000 ahead, protecting against at least one right answer from Julia. When she took the lead right back on the $1600 clue I was sure Julia would win the game.
Also, I found 3-letter

They had to contrive to keep Cutter in the competition. I thought it was fairly standard army guy ass-kissing, but then we got next week's teaser of going to a military base. No way the producers let him go home before that challenge. Or as a result of that challenge.
Willie's obesity makes me uncomfortable. He may

Backorder's a bitch, yo.

I'm waiting for someone put on their best Puerto Rican disco queen accent and bet "Awwl of it" on a daily double.

I started brainstorming movie title characters when the category was revealed, but didn't go beyond proper names. Marty, Rocky, Benjamin Button, Forrest Gump, Billy Elliot, Happy Gilmore, Steve Zissou, etc. I couldn't escape that mindset to come up with the right answer.

To be fair to the contestant (and to excuse the fact that I too guessed Superman), I think the written clue said "man of steel," while the audio portion may have included the word "superman" somewhere in the lyrics?