
I saw Echols' demeanor as a calm acceptance of his powerlessness in the court setting. When he said he never imagined he would be convicted, I didn't completely believe him. I saw him in a (forgive me) Kafka-esque situation and he just went through the motions, knowing there was nothing he could do to alter the

John Hodgman.

She has most decidedly not fulfilled the lame rite of passage of going "true daily double." Not when at that moment she could have more than TRIPLED her score!

Don't forget John Cusack in his greatest role.

Every baseball fan should visit Wrigley on a weekday afternoon, sit in the bleachers (yes, it really is better), drink an Old Style and watch the Cubs lose. I'm lucky enough to have done this 4 times.
Regarding the New Yankee Stadium, you're right. It's awful. There was something special about going to the place

I thought he was going as MC Hammer on crack.

I'm a Monopoly enthusiast and a Jerseyphile. I usually won't refuse a game, but I can't comfortably play on branded or regional Monopoly game sets. The number of specialty (aka deviant) boards is staggering.…

But nothing bad happened to Dudley Moore, right?

Roger clearly has excellent taste in music. Don't try slipping a new-wave question past him.

I agree that the producers wouldn't like the nebulous scheduling, but I'm a gameplay ideologue and therefore I don't give a shit!
Also, It's not like these are live shows. Producers could see how it shakes out, and manipulate the air dates afterwards. If it's good enough, why not a week-long special primetime

That's what threw me with Silence of the Lambs. I thought Hopkins won supporting actor, not lead actor.
I guessed Kramer vs. Kramer before looking it up and learning that not only is the movie over 30 years old, but also that I fell into the same supporting actress trap.

It was very exciting to see him bet everything, and before the match I would agreed that he would have to do it every time in order to have a chance. But Roger was totally hanging in with these guys, and his buzzer speed wasn't holding him back. This was one of the few times I think he should have bet more

This is why I skip past the interviews. 75% are boring, 24% are cringe-inducing, and the remaining 1% are just baffling. DVR (aka mankind's greatest invention) is the reason I started watching Jeopardy again.

Thanks for the intel. I'm not a huge fan of the 2-part final because of the awkward betting in FJ on Day One. I haven't always been a totally dedicated viewer, but I can't remember a time where the player ahead at the end of Day One of a tournament final didn't win. In the spirit of good competition and ignoring

I don't know much about him, but if that's his rap he's a perfect fit for the Jets.

Yep. Looks like the winners on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will compete in a 2-part final on Thursday and Friday.
Anyone know the origins or advantages of the 2-part final? I wonder if the producers thought it was a good idea in terms of competition or merely a convenience of scheduling.

Max Powerrrr…. He's the man with the name you'd love to touuuch. But you mustn't touuuuch!

Completely bankrupt, creatively.
What's the name of this movie now?

I think you'd need all three words. History books refer to it as nothing but the "Montgomery bus Boycott," right?
Analogy: "Strike" wouldn't be good enough even if the correct answer was a labor action. And I don't think an answer like "railroad workers strike" or "Eugene V Debs strike" would be accepted for something

No hesitation on Violent Femmes, though! Roger's cool.