
A preview: I got laughed out of the room by my 8 year old nephew when I said, "because I like to learn new things." I did drill him with a frisbee later that day. Little shit.

So many: New Africa; Norf Dakota…
And California.

Also Billy Crystal. Thanks a lot, Ken Burns, for legitimizing these chumps and their sepia-toned reminiscences. At least George Plimpton's not around to bore the shit out of us anymore.

Sounds heavy.

That WAS fun!

I'm not sure why he's not huge by now. Maybe nobody hears the Austin echo chamber outside of Austin. I think the attention is actually deserving, though. Way more deserving than the attention Spoon got. I still can't figure that out.

Sorry, gotta win the twitter contest.

This guy's the real deal. Y'all Bay Area types oughta check him out.

Right. We should be rounding up the usual suspects.

Who needs reasons?

Seemed like more of an attempt to insult the subject of the article than to aggrandize himself. But I guess the one-word comment could be seen as an act of performance art, and therefore the meaning and context of the single word is subject to the interpretation of anyone who reads it.

I'm boweled over by this news.

In Soviet Russia, day drafts you?
*Eats suicide pill*

I whiffed too. Veered away from the Magna Carta when I didn't know the pop connection. Took a stab with Kanye West, stretching logic toward "Yeezus" as the album, tying to the Bible as the historical document.

Ketchup on a hot dog? Is Matt LeBlanc 4 years old?

*Furrows brow, ignores comment*
So can we talk about this book I wrote?

This was all pretty fun until Biz Stone showed up. What a lump, that guy.

Ahem. 1991 National League Rookie of the Year, David Justice.
I'm a fan.


When I worked at Fenway, Bob Ryan would buy pretzels from me. Nice guy. Good tipper. But yes, bad suits.