
I dig kale in warm, lightly oiled pasta dishes. Had one recently with penne, Italian sausage and sundried tomato. The kale wilted quite nicely. Loved it.

It's a better name than "Baggage Claim."

One in the Franklin is worth two in the Bash.

And Rob Thomas.

Only Todd can tell us how Bash it really is, and if it's Franklin enough for TNT or would be better suited on the CW's Thursday night lineup. Can we get a TV Reviews article for the season 2 recap and/or the forthcoming season 3?

Someday we'll get a Go-Bots movie too.

Yes, the mean older brother down the street showed me the proper technique for abusing my own sister. Then he held me down, forced water wings over my ankles and threw me in the swimming pool.

Couldn't agree more. Schools should be affiliated with the sports programs, not owners of it. At this point the schools have the facilities and other infrastructure in place, so why couldn't athletic departments be separate for-profit entities that partner with the school? What luck! Your publicly funded stadium is


I do hereby request a moratorium on the Bill Murray with 3D glasses T-shirt.

It was kind of a revelation when we met the lady from Tide last week. It was never part of my consciousness that actual people "work for Tide," and that appearing on a TV game show might be a task assigned to an employee. So glad I realized early on that the non-profit sector is where I belong. Still waiting for Top

The Marie Antoinette kind.

Cucumber dick, eh?
*Loads more comments*

"BTW, questioning someone's manhood before a fight is not a novel strategy, everyone does that. It shouldn't affect a good boxer"
Or it could have a huge effect on a good boxer. Ask Kid Paret about that.

I can't up and down vote the same comment? Well that tears it. I don't like NuDisqus either.

OT softens the blow?

I'm making squash spaghetti. Zucchini, actually. Pasta rollers are fun.

Also, those guys in the 80s actually fought each other.


and gimmick accounts