
Right on.  But we have the benefit of 40 years of hindsight.  The Vandellas' tunes are infinitely more fun and danceable than the Supremes' no? And Ross' baby-doll voice isn't really in fashion anymore.

When I board the F train I can't help but hum Nowhere to Run and imagine I'm bopping my way back to Coney with James Remar and that guy who looks like a Thundercat.

I've wondered why Martha Reeves doesn't get the same run as Diana Ross.  Maybe it's because this brilliant song became so much bigger than the artist.

Squeeze Run Fatboy Run in there and make The World's End your 4th in a row..

Maybe she meant Observe and Report?

Does Jim Lampley still linger around the Olympics?  That guy has Costas level eloquence and integrity, but I suspect he's been told to dumb it down.

Also the Olympics are fucking boring.  Never quite understood what enthralls people with archaic measures of athleticism like jump-twirling on ice, or jump-twirling into a swimming pool, or jump-twirling with the aid of a bar suspended 8 feet in the air.  But y'all have fun now.

I nominate The Grand.
Takes the title from Beerland because you can't see the 80s porn through all the graffiti anymore.

He didn't plan to be gone until AV Fest!

Will never forget Samsa's letters to the American doctor.
I play it for my 8 year old nephew hoping he'll be amazed that he's heard the story before when it's presented to him in high school.

Nice to hear that The Scofflaws still play.  They were one of the few decent ska bands of this era.  They actually knew how to play their horns and weren't just a bunch of dorks from the marching band.  Their cover of Grazin' in the Grass is my favorite version of that song.

…..simply walk into the Continental or Antone's or any venue in Austin where old people hang out and confront the geezer.

A lot of younger people don't know the word "album."

Proves in 8 words he's incompetent AND a fuckin' liar!

Or the time he tore Janet Jackson's clothes off at the Super Bowl?  Seriously, why didn't he have to share the heat for that, considering he's the one who caused the "wardrobe malfunction?"

I always thought the "Bad Town" and "Smiling" stretch was kind of clunky.  But then "Caution" kicks in and all is well again.  Nothing beats an album where as soon as one song ends you can start singing the next one before it begins.

@avclub-fa7fdeb5c05b708e5614c7e8cdb1c34d:disqus Inspecter 7 is back on the road and just rolled through Austin. It had been 12-15 years since I last saw them back home in Jersey at some anti-racism rally.  Went out to the all ages venue mostly for nostalgia, but I'll be damned if they didn't put on a good show.

A dog's gotta do what a dog's gotta do.

they also might be a Texan. so yeah…asshole.

Now, now, don't make any snap judgments.