
@///M: @///M: Whoah. who said anything about lies? I'm talking about the normal, everyday crazy that most girls come about naturally. Have you ever said something, meant something completely different, but by that point it's too late to take back? (Think: Used the word "weight" in a sentence at some point in time)

@Tommy Five: I have to go with cinnamonster on this one - not because "talking" itself is easier- but taking the time to avoid falling into the "death traps" that exist all around the fantasy land that is a woman's mind. You know... that place where a word enters, gets twisted and distorted like Alice in Wonderland

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.2: I disagree. It's your quirky-ness that earned you that heart-click, and it still makes me smile. Thank you.

@esp13: black with a white background.... yeah... looks about right to me.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: last i checked everyone was supposed to download the mp3 from the improv everywhere website, and then synchronize their watches to the time listed on their web page. But that was back in experiment 6, they could have changed it since then.

@realnamehere: I would freaking love a "drive by wire" car - Joystick on the right, throttle on the left: lemme control all the rest of my car with the buttons on the joystick/throttle, and i will be a happy happy man (with a sick looking car)

Does that also make this shed bulletproof?

@MaNiFeX: hehe. i see what you did there.

I feel like i miss out on these things because I use Chrome and rarely, if ever, actually go to Google's homepage to search. Thanks for the heads up!

@allocate: or firefox/ie/chrome saved passwords.

So now when you accidentally leave yourself signed in on your laptop even the computer-retarded frat boys have the ability to download everything from your facebook onto a flash drive? Does that include private messages and chats?

@matt_mcmhn: i thought i was the only one who had noticed. That was rough man.

@Cromwell: only if you keep holding the "X" button...

I personally think its a brilliant idea. The food may suck, but it's not meant to be bought as a replacement for your everyday meals. I would guess that the target market would be homes with "panic rooms" or bunkers for the not-so-paranoid owners who accept the reality that eventually we're gonna piss off another

@Mischif: sweet. Got it, thanks for not goin postal on me.

@Mischif: because i'm an idiot, albeit a curious one... Those two prompts are to delete, well, everything from first a PC and then a Mac. Right?

Are you willing to suck up your pride enough to admit you're really a fanboy?

It definitely makes sense though. I can't focus on anything but the screens (slot machines maybe?) in the first picture.