As if my week weren't bad enough already. This is just salt in the wound. Hopefully Wenger finds some talent before the trade window closes... Lord knows we have enough money to buy some players now.
As if my week weren't bad enough already. This is just salt in the wound. Hopefully Wenger finds some talent before the trade window closes... Lord knows we have enough money to buy some players now.
I really dislike how loosely one can claim to be a Christian, and how widely accepted some of the most ludicrous claims of these people are accepted. Matthew 24:36 clearly states, "However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father…
sounds like a sport with a high probability of racking oneself. No thank you.
Correlation is not causation...
@scribethemad: would it not be easier to find the soldier who sent this message first? (fewer soldiers than women, also- he'll be the only one to recognize the message anyway right?)
@Joe Brown: Nobody has any right to complain. I'm from
@Mark 2000: I'd have to argue that what you're dealing with is the fallacy of positive instances. See, since the black guy dying falls into your pre-determined outcome you're much more likely to recognize it and use the situation as evidence in further claims that black people always die in movies. However, had he not…
@fughedaboudit: nahh. My AFJROTC unit back in High School got to watch from there and they didn't care if we took pictures. Thing about the F-22 Raptor is... by the time you figure out it's there, you're either dead or irrelevant.
@cudakid210: and i've been waiting for it ever since this photo leak. My lord could it take any longer....
I'm gonna need a DIY for the ice mold - i know somebody out there much smarter than I has already started plotting... wanna help a guy out?
@noodle: Or stop imagining altogether, hit the bars, and find yourself a real woman.
@PeterNincompoop: Beats me. But a heart click for both of you for the effort
@Hello Mister Walrus: Yeah... if anyone on that field shoots like my team that solar panel won't last long at all...
@hostile-17: wait. i thought apple was evil... but before that i thought Microsoft was evil...
I would bet the increase in break-ups on april fools day has a lot do to with the number of fake "relationships" formed as a part of april-fools-day pranks. I can think of at least 6 different times in which friends of mine have either gotten into fake relationships (which would count as breakups later on in the day…
@Randall Jenkins: because in paying professional baseball players to wear their product they boost its credibility, and also convince un-knowing 12 year old baseball fans that these necklaces are the real deal. This, in turn boosts sales, and profits.
@theose: literally talked about this today at AU. The textbook claimed that the ice went through sublimation straight to gas form in the days between the photos. Looking at the North Pole of Mars, scientists argue that CO2 has already shown to have evaporated from that area- so if the temperature is consistent…
@Paradise: and a heart click to both of you.