
I've always wanted functional wallpaper, I just know there has to be something good out there, but these don't really scratch my organizational itch. Anyone know any good functional wallpaper for graphic designers? I created one for myself before that had various sizes/conversions that helped for working between print

Does this work on showers too? We've got some nasty hair color stains in there that we'd love to get out.

This program would be awesome if it was able to flash back and forth between the two images, one over top the other, sadly though, it only shows them side by side. I also don't totally understand the differences between the 'Show' viewing modes. It doesn't seem to be able to pick out differences with flattened pdfs,

In our Graphic Design classes we would post our work on a wall for all to look at and then go around the room critiquing each other's work. It's hard to put yourself out there like that and listen to people tear your work down, but take it as an opportunity to strengthen your work. As long as they're not being

Semi-related issue. I jailbreak and something I've installed recently has a tendency to mess up my lock screen. Every once in a while all the lock screen elements will be jumbled around and even the keypad itself will be 3/4's off the screen. The only resolution is to reboot = Lame. Has anybody come across a similar

I usually just squeeze my nostrils together and that seems to do a good job of stopping the sneeze altogether 99% of the time. The other 1% of the time is just embarrassing.

For a Design class we used Keynote to mock-up iPad apps (using Keynote on the iPad to deliver our presentations). It works great with its object-level transitions, though for whatever reason some transitions that you can do on a Mac don't work on the iPad version of Keynote. Aside from those minor issues, Keynote

I work on package design and put them on packaging all the time, however outside of work I never touch them. They have potential, but as of yet they're mostly alot of trouble without any real benefit.

This is almost hilarious. Every time I scratch my chin or shift in my seat slightly, Spotify plays and pauses. Great idea, but unless I can figure out how the hell to get it to work right, it's probably getting yanked.

Been doing this for years and it's awesome. It's almost seamless from one computer to another. It's also a good way to manage how much junk you keep on your desktop at any one time (if you have a free, limited dropbox account). You have to decide what's the most important stuff to keep around. It also keeps whatever

A good way I've found to keep my desktop clutter free is to just set my icon size to an extremely large size (the biggest possible). That way, the less icons I can fit on my desktop, the more I have to prioritize and pick and choose which files to keep on there. The worst desktops I've seen are people that load up

Looked up IZArc from this thread.... Has a huge advertisement to download 7zip at the top and '666 people like this' on facebook. Hilarity, but I'll give it a try.

Not sure if it's just me, but doesn't seem to carry over link shares. Convenient for straight status updates, but not the magic bullet I thought it was.

I'm curious though, what kind of orbit would a planet have to have for seasons to last years at a time? I think at the start of the series the Summer season had lasted for 9 years. How could you survive a Winter that stretched on for years?

I've recently installed Ubuntu on an HP touchsmart laptop (never the best with heat & loud fans even on a good day), but lately I've noticed my laptop running so hot that it eventually shuts down when working in Ubuntu. Never had this problem before when running it with Windows Vista. Make sure to blow out air vents

Coincidentally enough, I'm already using the Horsehead Nebula wallpaper for my PC with dual monitors. Makes me feel like I'm using a Mac though. I use UltraMon to get it to stretch between monitors, it's a nifty little program for setting up wallpaper on multiple monitors (though not free). Anybody know of any good

A couple of tidbits I learned when traveling to Kenya (may be applicable to other thirdish world countries or any overseas traveling):

obligatory "That's what she said"... oh wait.

During NaNoWriMo a few years back I noticed this. In the first half I had no idea what was going to happen in the story as I was writing it and it was amazing. I purposely would go off on wild tangents just to see where it would take me. The characters themselves seemed to dictate what was going to happen next and I'd

I wouldn't say Ned Stark is pathetic, as with most of the Stark kin, he deludes himself with how he thinks the world works. He believes in playing fair and has to live up to a noble lineage that stretches back hundreds, if not thousands of years. If anything, he was screwed over from the get-go because nearly