
After looking at the comments below, not sure if my solution to the cable clutter idea is any better, but I use a plastic milk crate turned upside down with all my cords, power supplies, and power strips running into it. It was a pain in the ass to set up, but my main concern was my 1 yr old kid getting into those

It's off on at least 2 conversions.

I'm pretty sure you need iOS 6 to run the new Google Maps app, which only has a tethered jailbreak for now that I'm aware of. So you may want to hold off upgrading to jailbreak on this one.

I tried using apps like Evernote before and dropped them b/c I couldn't understand the point either. Then I started work on a creative writing project a while back and needed me to gather together all my thoughts whenever I thought them up and it finally clicked for me then. I was using Evernote, which seemed to have

Can anyone confirm, does this Not run like sh*t on a PC?

Started doing this a few months ago and I'm loving it. One good tool to use to is Link Shell Extension ( You just move your saves folder into the dropbox folder, right click on it and 'Pick Link Source', then create a Junction in your original

I remember doing this last year and it worked fairly well except I had all sorts of issues with images not displaying correctly. The main reason I was even doing it was to run Keynote and Keynote/Finder had all sorts of problems to where it wouldn't display images & other things. Other than those issues, it was neat

I keep getting kicked out of the app at the loading screen. Same thing happens with some other apps too, most notably Mint. (disclaimer: phone is jailbroken) Is anyone else having that issue?

No, it does not. I did a comparison of all the top five one after another. I was surprised considering how much else Astrid seems to do right. The only To-Do list that I've seen that was decent with Location-based alerts was 2Do, but their overall alert system is horrible and doesn't seem to work half the time. Astrid

Odd you placed Orchestra on here after LH just did that Hive Five for productivity apps (Orchestra wasn't even on there). Last I checked Astrid was number one. Orchestra is sleek and I want to love it, but it's missing some key features for me. Omnifocus is great, but I'm transitioning away from it because I think the

2Do for iOS. Been using Ominfocus for awhile now, but it's not terribly attractive and it's kind of annoying to navigate sometimes. Thinking of making the plunge into 2Do after a few weeks of a trial run. Supposedly a desktop version is in the works as well.

Goddamn you to hell Google! First Google Wave... now iGoogle!

Of course there is this other article that shows this has some pitfalls for XP + Vista upgraders, looks like we'll have to re-install everything:

Nice! I was just getting ready to plop down some cash to upgrade Vista to Win7, looks like I'll put up with Vista's antics just a little bit longer.

I'm pretty sure you can do some of these things just by holding CTRL, SHIFT or ALT while dragging.

Another cheap alternative is to just use white foam board and a roll of transparent laminating stuff (the kind you use to laminate books, menus, presentations, fake press badges, etc). You just have to watch out for air bubbles and the result is fairly ghetto-cheap looking, but it's alot quicker than waiting 5 days

My wife is from Kenya and I'm not sure if it's just her or a cultural thing, but they also seem to do something like the "open-hand method" where a closed-fist represents 'five'. It bothers me to no end.

My wife is from Kenya and I'm not sure if it's just her or a cultural thing, but they also seem to do something like the "open-hand method" where a closed-fist represents 'five'. It bothers me to no end.

actually, looks like it only works on secondary pages, doesn't seem to work on the main [] or iGoogle pages, Still nifty nonetheless

(you'll excuse me for typing in all caps) THANK YOU! Why Google has not done this themselves is beyond me.