Comic Sans? Try Papyrus, forest green. Add in some generic clip art to suggest an exotic subject.
Comic Sans? Try Papyrus, forest green. Add in some generic clip art to suggest an exotic subject.
The Red Wedding from A Song of Ice and Fire book series. That's all I'm saying.
I'm not sure how well this is going to work out, but I've just started up a new personal policy where I open up articles I want to save and just bookmark the page. Apparently RSS feeds don't last forever and eventually disappear after awhile (I'm an article/tutorial hoarder, what can I say). So bookmarking at least…
"If you're having trouble beating a bad habit or addiction, you may have a greater ability to beat it on your own than you think."
It could be workable if there was a nifty keyboard shortcut to bring it up in a pinch. I mostly use the omnibar for quick searches, so I'd hate to lose that.
@Zundfolge: No kidding, though it makes me wonder if sending out mass random spam texts would be a good deterrent against bombings in places like Iraq or Afghanistan. Especially on high-profile days like elections, spam SMS could potentially save innocent lives.
@paddirn: you can actually do this pretty much any of the folders in your User folder: Desktop, My Videos, My Music, whatever. Comes in handy.
I think using the JUNCTION function might cause some problems for windows users in terms of how often it syncs, I don't think it syncs in real-time. There is another way that I've gotten to work with Windows:
Just installed ubuntu on an HP laptop so it dual boots with Vista and Ubuntu. Went through and did this registry hack, but I don't know that it helped. In fact, not only is my time off when I load up windows, but it also seems to be resetting the time every couple of hours. Not sure if the registry change did it or if…
@paddirn: if you have a free account, it also helps you limit how much junk you keep on your desktop since you only have a limited amount of storage space. Makes you prioritize what you really want to keep on there.
Another dropbox tip: Set your desktop to your dropbox folder. Wallah! Desktop synching across all computers with dropbox. Completely changed the way I work on projects.
I think most people won't notice or care. Look at how most people don't care how closed Apple's ecosystem is, yet still line up to buy every iteration of iJunk that comes out. Those that do care about a deneutralized net will be able to find ways around this and a sort of underground internet (a 'sub-net') will spring…
Speaking of Autohotkey scripts. Here's one that switches your active window between monitors. Just use Win+R-arrow or Win+L-arrow:
When I first started dating my Kenyan girlfriend I would imitate her accent sometimes to make fun of some things she would say, but then gradually I began using it more and more often. Now it's the main way I talk when I talk to her and other Kenyans/Africans. Sometimes when I'm on the phone with her friends or…
Why does this all sound so much like the talk I was hearing when Google Wave first came out? I'll take a wait and see approach, but I'm not expecting much and sure as hell don't trust Facebook with anything more than useless wall posts.
Last time I participated was 4 or 5 years ago and it was a [grueling] blast. I was working 50-60 hr work weeks at my old job and doing the book in what little free time I had, so if I could do it then it should be manageable for most people. If you're a perfectionist, try not to sweat all the crap that you're writing,…
Wait a minute, this doesn't fit in with the Evil Week theme. Should've waited til next week on this.
VOTE: TrueCrypt
@Super Happy Hats!: Hopefully that and Powerpoint shudder<
Here's an autohotkey script that does the same thing (I think):