
If you jailbreak to use ultrasn0w as a carrier unlock, it's recommended that you stay away from limera1n for now, as ultrasn0w doesn't work with it for now. Apparently the dev team is working on incorporating into pwngtool, but who knows when that's going to be released.

@ndonahue: Been reading around and Sherif Hashim may have an unlock in the works, keeping fingers crossed.

Yea, Greenpois0n's SHAtter exploit was supposed to be released on 10/10/10 at 10:10, but got upstaged a day earlier by Geohot's limera1n (whose code they are now basing this release on). All these exploits are still in beta so people may want to hold off on it.

hell, I didn't even know about the Chrome/Firefox resize trick. That right there just changed my life

Fashion advice learned some years ago from an ex, but apparently it's not widely known (or followed).

Setup something like this a few years ago (can't remember where I had read about it then), but on a much longer timescale, 1 yr, 2 yr, 3 yr. I never thought to setup something like this though, makes a lot more sense now that I think about it. I need to make an appointment to set this up now, thanks for the tip.

Paper is great for short-term to-do-lists, but for longer term projects and such Google Tasks mixed with chrome extension "New Tab to Tasks" is awesome. I just wish Google would give Tasks some more functionality

@RizzRustbolt: Also, anytime things look like they're on the up and up in the series... something really f*ed is about to happen.

I've thought about something like this before and made up various iterations, but it seems like anymore so much of what I save goes directly into Dropbox now. If there was way to set my desktop as a part of dropbox or set my dropbox folder as my desktop, now that would be sweet.

vote: xmarks. Seems to work fairly flawlessly, though it's had hiccups in the past where it erased all my bookmarks at one point.