
How long until those recipe names are the inspiration for challenges on Cutthroat Kitchen?

Lol you’re gonna have a rude awakening on Monday

Tebow suggested baseball, and it was a good call. We’re writing about him, aren’t we?

It shouldn’’s terrible

Has anyone commented back to you if this one is fake? Asking for a friend.

While I agree with your sentiment that too often the dumb shit people in Florida do is done by some loser transplant, it was actually Clay County outside of Jacksonville.

In that part of the state? It’ll likely be applause.

Fuck yea! That green guy winamp skin was my JAM for ages!

Beetle Adventure Racing > Mario Kart 64. Fact.

Random internet person - quit telling people what they can and can’t say no matter how “righteous” you imagine yourself to be.

My fave

Now even more confused as to why I was sent away.

I just came a teeny tiny bit.

$120, stated in the article

I also find it annoying that you have to subscribe to a podcast in order to view all their episodes...I don’t subscribe to Rogan, but if he has a guest I’d like to hear, I have to subscribe, find the episode, listen to it and then go unsubscribe....kind of tedious.

Firmly on the Right here....Tebow is an asshat.

Spoiler - It all takes place in a museum

Losers always +1 internet posts, winners go home and +1 the prom queen