I’ve been a fan of EoDM for years and Jesse Hughes has always been a batshit turdbag.
“everyone is created male or female”
Yep, this is me too. Go to Target for tampons, leave with a lip gloss, new toaster, & yoga pants. Dammit, Target, you get me every time!
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say it’s probably most humiliating (and fucking DANGEROUS) for a woman, especially a trans woman, to be strip searched in a men’s prison. Kinda does make the sitch a bit unique, huh.
Oh wow, I forgot how much I loved this song.
Black people can wear a beehive. And beehive styled afros have existed. Regardless, Marge Simpson’s hair (and her sisters) have always most resembled Black women’s hair and they’re still read as white.
Uh, cyborg actors don’t exist. Japanese actors do exist. And there are already plenty of Japanese or non-Westerners who are upset about this casting. To say only the only criticism is coming / will come from “non- Japanese who have elected themselves spokespersons for a culture that they are not even part of” is…
I invited Prince to my graduation party next month. Fingers crossed.
Been staring at his back & butt for a good fifteen minutes now. Good lord.
What city do you live in where that actually happens to people? You are going to claim that someone telling you to come over and let them lick your pussy is a regular occurrence in your life?
I’m so sorry he did that to you.
Excellent. Ignore this movie and watch the Doc instead.
Trans people have existed long before Parker Posey.
[...]in the real world lengthening skirts and such might lessen the amount of young women teens being raped.
Not al 12 year olds look like a grown woman.
I hope you enjoy being the terrible person that you are. The Internet is exactly where you belong.