Wow. He’s a bag of old dog turds masquerading as a human being.
Wow. He’s a bag of old dog turds masquerading as a human being.
Too young. RIP Amber :(
Carol was hot af.
Fuck Sony
I mean, it wont be a cheap beer. I’m up to try a bunch of weird food or drink items, as long as I’m not the one paying a ridiculous amount of coin for something so stupid.
You have an internet connection. Google why you’re wrong.
He likes to look good?
Oh, you know. He just acted like we’d hope any decent person would if they encountered a rape in progress.
*pukes all over my shoes*
Some men are worse than garbage. Garbage never raped and beat me.
Stephanie sounds like an awesome person.
His tiny lips are freakin’ me out, too.
There’s nothing creative about duck kissing a glitter glue stick. That’s the type of shit that’ll make you lose your glitter privileges.
Women their own age can tell that these men are losers. That’s why they date teenagers without the life experience.
He looks like he smells like a musty attic.
I have cis friends who’ve been harassed for using the restroom because some transphobic assholes thought they could tell cis and trans women apart.