+1 entire state
+1 entire state
It’s a killer. Like Ted Cruz. The Zodiac Killer.
At least it would be a better game than playing against a 1996 Curry
“This is the comment I was waiting for when I first saw the news about...wait, what was the article about?”
fuck me daddy
+1 wasted timeout
My favorite @dril tweet and probably the best tweet ever:
UW will not Swing away from a winning formula
“I don’t see why he deserved that”
He’s the only brain surgeon to actually perform it on himself
Statistically speaking, someone has to be attracted to a mass-murderer
+1 dropped Olympic bar
DePaul always fights!
Well actually I have a lot of women friends named Rick
“This is the best Deadspin comment I can remember!”
MAYBE. I think.
As of right now, Eric’s comment has more stars. There is justice in this world. For now.
(reads article)
(applies for hotel surveillance position)
There’s a reason why Pats fans are the most hated now