
Yeah, um... if a white homo takes your man, I think you needed a new man anyway.

See, now I would totally buy one of these.


Really? I was disappointed every time I actually met one of his criteria.

I have a weird love for Dunkin Donuts coffee. I can't explain it, but it's the only reason I go there. Except a bacon egg and cheese on an everything bagel, every once in a while. It must be the urban conditioning.

There are places that don't have Dunkin Donuts? I didn't think there were even blocks in my city without one.

Them freeloadin' minori-teez is takin' all our sun!

Oh no, I'm totally a Nice Candidate (TM)! Frighteningly, that puts things a bit in perspective.

I'm in nonprofit/education. It's a crappy time to be job searching in the field with all the new BAs and MAs having recently joined the fray. Also the fact that many places are looking to cut costs by hosting interns/fellows/AmeriCorps positions instead of full-time, paid positions.

Thanks! That's awesome to hear. Hopefully we're next. Good luck to you too!

Thanks so much for the insight! Compatibility is pretty important on both sides, even if it may be holding me back from jobs I feel like I would be amazing at. It's worse than dating, and I'm not great with that either.

Oh no, it was super helpful. I know rationally that I'm no special snowflake, but it helps to hear from people have firsthand experience.

I keep getting passed up for jobs that seem very promising at the very last stage of the interview process. Each time so far, the position has been offered to a man, but I'm not so vain as to buy into "menz be takin' all the jobz, yo," tempting though it might be. But no matter how much I try and squash my hopes

Or they've experienced the pure, unadulterated nightmare that is bedbugs. After dealing with that, I will never in my life buy a used mattress. And our infestation wasn't even that bad. I will sleep on the floor and collect pennies until I can afford a new one.

I had a similar experience with ED-NOS, and that's the problem with assuming any weight loss is necessarily a good thing. I lost about 40 pounds in just under two months, and people said things to me like, "You look so much healthier!" Really? I look much healthier while I'm absolutely miserable and obsessing over

Ah, yes. The good ol' everything-tastes-like-dirt-and-my-stomach-seems-to-have-forgotten-what-to-do-with-food post-breakup phase. I definitely think veggies and some new running shoes are a much happier bet.

The point is that if you don't know me well enough to know what's going on in my life, then you have absolutely no business commenting on my body. I mean, the fact that it's perceived as a compliment is all kinds of fucked up to begin with, but the fact that they meant it as one doesn't mean I have to accept it as

Laugh away. I felt pretty good about myself afterwards for schooling some dud(ette)s.

Ah. I was on The Rice Diet, myself.

Or you could just be unemployed.