
If they’re going to shove a shitload of advertisements and product placement down my throat then yes, they damn well better not be charging me for it too.
But they are, and they would be, so, I didn’t watch any of it. At all.

it’s hilarious how they “blame” millennials.

The problem with this argument is that literally nobody thinks the people of North Korea are somehow “bad.” This isn’t some cultural misunderstanding, nobody’s sitting there going “Gee, man, I don’t know about those 5 year-old North Korean dirt farmers. They seem pretty sketchy.”

Holy shit. IOC spokesman is really angling for a new job as Sports Information Director for an SEC school.

You are almost the perfect satire of the bitter, lonely shrew, but I fear that you might actually be serious.

Because that’s called burying the lead. I’m not sure why this is actually divisive. We are in the western world, yes. We don’t care about Chinese silver medalists, unless we care about that event. We care about our athletes.

I just disagree that it’s a micro-aggression. This is a woman no one outside of China would have cared about. It’s not like she’s setting the Olympics on fire.

Come on, Rachel. At the end of the day, whether people like it or not, most societies still consider marriage, children, etc, as the things you’re supposed to say are the most important in your life.

It depends on the legality or permissibility of Performance Enhancing Oleos such as vaseline.

I see no problem with the underwater cameras, I see a problem with freaking out over seeing a woman’s nipple, especially in this context. They’re not sex objects, they’re athletes competing. This view gives a good look at a sport where a lot more happens under the surface of the water than the casual fan realizes.

I always say, you can’t live fast and die young unless you follow through with the dying part.

Little note for you all. This poster is a weeb living Japan who thinks being foriegn makes him special despite having zero personality.

“The vast majority of tourists as it is have little respect for Japanese customs or laws, and are barely living up to their own nation’s civility while here. You are a guest in someone else’s home. Either respect it or leave. And come the summer of 2020, it’s going to be one hell of a circus of petty crime and civil

Email me at marchman at deadspin dot com and I can give you info on our BOFA program, which you can use to avoid both ads and the need to self-righteously upbraid people who have nothing to do with ads.

Got it. Two hits of acid, two bong rips, two painkillers, two benzos, two amphetamines, and two drinks. Everything in moderation. That’s how you party.

Thats why I always brought 40's of OE to the party.

Man. Girls aren’t real. They’re just something made up to get people to buy cars.

That is not correct. The flagstick may be attended, removed or held up before making a stroke from anywhere on the course (Rule 17-1). If your ball is on the putting green you should always ask for the flagstick to be attended however, because if your ball hits the flagstick you incur the general penalty (Rule 17-3).

I'm still waiting for that glorious day when I won't have to waste my time on preparing and eating food. Bring on the nutritional pills already.

This is the worst case of having a head up one's ass I've ever seen.