
That doesn’t mean she considered other options, such as calling the police on her own abusive husband. Pleading with him to stop was probably her only tactic for preventing the slaughter. It didn’t work and that’s horrible, but this woman is not to blame. She is a victim of this mass shooting, it’s very clear. She

You really need a better imagination.

God still isn’t there. Otherwise this book would be irrelevant by now.

Perverted is a stronger form of “sexually suggestive.” Your explanation is something a lawyer might try to brainwash a jury with, but come on, there’s no difference between between “perverted” photos of kids in underwear or less and “sexually suggestive” photos of kids. He should have been arrested. Why try to craft a

What is so unique about this video? As someone who’s been on the internet for a long time, this strikes me as particularly mundane.

Have you ever lost someone you love?

Anyone but you could be a good runner. Happy?

Ew. Dude, what? This is about running. Don’t be gross.

I’m not exactly sure why people need substances to “party.”

What about those who never attempt murder?

If you’re willing to take it that far, you might as well get a vasectomy/castration or a hysterectomy while you’re at it (depending on your circumstances).

Living alone is expensive. If you don’t have a roommate, you can’t split utilities or the cost of a kitchen/living room with anyone. It kind of sucks.

Rand was more of a sellout than a hypocrite. Ron Paul was the principled libertarian. He is not “Super-Duper racist.” In fact, he’s honest, having refused to compromise his values throughout his career in Congress and his campaigns for president. Rand is an opportunist who used his father’s good name to get his foot