American conservatives lack the courage of their dog whistles.
American conservatives lack the courage of their dog whistles.
Conservatives want their awards shows to reinforce cherished notions of white supremacy.
Which raises the question, how am I not following @wesleysnipes?
The disclaimer. It was all in the disclaimer. Maybe it helps my sarcasm detector that I’m from the Westside of the Best Coast.
I hate to say it, but whiteness can do that for you.
I really wanted her to say, “Muthafucka, I don’t work for you!”
Afterward, he stuffs his feelings and drowns his sorrows at Frank ‘n’ Stein.
White supremacy, not partisanship, is the overriding political imperative in America.
I can only hope that this also turns into a “Day Without African Americans, Latinos, LGBTIQ, Immigrants, Muslims, Union Members & White Men With Morals”. IOW, a general strike.
Football and basketball pay the freight for everybody else.
Underrated comment is underrated.
Ok, this is perfect. So many stories in so little text.
The trio of Carter children already has a stage name: Destiny’s Grandchild. With Blue Ivy on lead, of course.
If you’d read my comment above about Sen. McCaskill, you could have saved all of that writing.
This being Black History Month, here’s an article on Missouri’s first Black member of Congress and noted firebrand, Bill Lacy. I’ll give you one little nugget: he spent 112 days in jail for protesting a bank’s hiring practices.
I almost hate to take it here, but white people are way too fast to call the cops for some bullshit; twice as fast when it involves black people.
You do know that Maxine Waters is from Missouri-adjacent East St. Louis, right?
Claire McCaskill is my love. She is sharp and a truth-teller. But, please show me where Joe Manchin has been anything besides alt-right lite.
This is a bullshit post. Executive power has been growing steadily since WWI. Did you forget lend-lease? Once we had nukes, the commander-in-chief role of the president grew to overwhelm his head of government role.