This is easy to fix. ‘dah-VEED’. Just start calling the soon-to-be ex Georgia Senator, ‘dah-VEED’.
This is easy to fix. ‘dah-VEED’. Just start calling the soon-to-be ex Georgia Senator, ‘dah-VEED’.
My question is, what happened to the Black people who lived on the island after the Civil War?
They love to epithet “cuck” because the Venmo diagram of conservatives and cuckold fetishists is a near-perfect circle.
Years ago, I learned that the owners of downtown & lakeside properties in Pine Bluff, Ark. were doing the same thing, for similar reasons. There are some amazing, run down, and ready for renovation, Victorians near downtown. When I saw them, I turned to my host and said, “You know what you need here? Gays.” He was…
And a good portion of those Portuguese slavers were Jews.
The one moment of the show where I hated Joe Exotic with the heat of a thousand suns was when he took those newborn tiger cubs from their mother. At that point I clearly understood the exploitation of these poor animals.
If that case was from 1946, it’s now 74 years old, not 64. Which makes it all the more ridiculous that it’s still sealed. Hell, even census records are opened after 75 years.
Welcome to middle age.
Louisiana fuckery at its finest: French-ass names, crooked gendarmes, beaucoup d’affaires, and a passé blanc-looking-ass racist Madame Bovary-on-the-bench. Mon Dieu.
No where in my post do I absolve Warren of responsibility for this debacle. I’ve run a few campaigns in my time. The buck stops with the top.
Eliminating slave wages for prison labor is major. This is an abolition movement for our time. We need to ignite the drive to strike state-sponsored slavery from the US Constitution.
One of the things that caught my eye was the staffers’ complaint that Warren rarely visited. So, while I think your post is right-on, it could also be true that Warren never made herself available to hear directly from the concerned staffers. Or that they were blocked from accessing her on the few times she was on the…
Two words: Postal Inspectors. Since those letters were sent in the mail, put the postal inspectors on the case. They don’t play.
He looks so cute, peacocking in that bright-as-hell yellow. I just want to tweak his homosexually protruding man-nipples.
I haven’t even read the post, yet. But, I had to rush to the comments to applaud the title, A Racist In The Sun 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿 Langston Hughes & Lorraine Hansberry are beaming up in Black Heaven, aka Heaven.
Hold my beer
But, more importantly in Oscarland, Jewish.
Tracy Morgan nearly had me in tears, both from hilarity and sadness. It’s a credit to his genius that I’m still not sure which feeling was stronger.
Fantastic opening monologue. They filled the stage with comedic genius. Somewhere in heaven Richard Pryor smiles at the sight.