
This is unbelievably horrible. Actually, no. Given where we are as a country, it’s very believable. And that’s the worst part.

the faceless, nameless, civil servants who are quietly doing their damnedest to hold this government thing together while their bosses are trying everything in their power to fuck it up. i respect them.

And from the linked article:

So not only does Tamblyn’s description of the encounter ring true, she follows/juxtaposes it with this;

That you’re being stalked by a homeless guy and your friend can’t get to her car. Works really well for white women, and even if it doesn’t, an attempt to contact the authorities shows good faith in trying to avoid a conflict. But she had a gun and no one was going to tell her she couldn’t use it.

This shows the danger of using a weak password “because it’s only Facebook”.

I was preemptively addressing the inevitable replies (trolls, to be sure) suggesting the family/son somehow deserved bad things happening to them because of what the father did. The loss of this child is sad and wholly separate from the father’s transgressions.

You’re already out of the grays so I guess I’ll respond. It’s abundantly clear that the commenters on this site find this situation absolutely tragic and have sympathy for Mr. Bolling’s loss. If you believe otherwise, you’re just seeing what you’d like to see.

Depends which child you’re speaking about....

Thank you for this- this particular post very much needs to be as troll-free as possible.

I think it’s obvious to say don’t bring the trolls out of the greys.

The comments I’ve seen on articles about this have been so vile from both sides of the spectrum....people on the left saying its “karma” for him being a dirtbag/sexual harasser and people on the right screaming for Ali’s head on a platter and blaming her/the left/”fake news media” for the kids death. What happened to

If true (I’m not suggesting it isn’t) its sad that a show like Teen Mom was a deciding factor. Better sex education in schools needed... yesterday.

I’d really like to lay an obscenity laced screed on the assholes who thought “Teen Mom” is a good idea in any way, shape or form.

Yeah, I think a huge chunk of America has untreated mental illnesses and personality disorders.

Lol right? This woman just took her career to new heights with a major underdog victory but hey let’s talk about who she’s dating. I swear they don’t even try to hide it any more.

The driver of the van:
after dude jumps into his windshield: HOLY FUCK..
after he’s tackled off the roof: Do i just uhh.. stay here.. or .. pull over or .. what?

I mean, feel free to explain to little Janie all about your Randian jerkoff fantasy and how her mother is a leech on the system but Janie is eight and she’s hungry and she doesn’t understand why adults who have food won’t give her food when she’s hungry.

Here you go: You’re a dick.

Yay, I can see the grey comments again!