
It could be just me, but it seems like being a white woman isn’t that hard to the point where they are allowed to transracialize (?) themselves and grift hardworking people.

This is astounding. I have no medical background, but it seems like it should be pretty obvious that an antibiotic wouldn’t prevent a virus. That’s high school biology, not even AP.

So they are saying that they have cut staffing levels to the point they cannot cover any absences? I call that poor management. Same as when management claims that time off ill puts the pressure on other employees, it just means they have managed the employee staffing level so poorly they cannot cover illness. In both

Why don’t they just release the Japanese flavors in America?

When they finally do release his name, how many horrified and traumatized women will there be?

The answer to that would be zero.

Reminder: those of us with the time and inclination can apply for jobs as census takers and remind folks that they are not obliged to answer this or any other questions beyond the basics.

What do I want? I want people to stop applying strict standards of evidence that do not apply in the first place so they can avoid consequences and responsibilities. I want too eliminate the unwritten requirement that when a woman makes an accusation, she needs ten people to back her up. I want bad men to go away

Well said. And normally I would agree with you. However. . .these are not normal times; no, what’s happening in the US right now is a grotesque mockery of every ideal I’ve been clung to and fought for. You spelled it out beautifully.

They are all awful people.

They’re all flea-bitten trash; it’s beyond coincidence that both husbands destroyed art to build tacky condos. Never forget this 1980s cultural felony...

Meghan McCain is that freshman home from college for Thanksgiving break who took half of a philosophy class and now has to argue about everything. No matter what anyone says, she has to argue the complete opposite just to prove that she has been paying attention and she knows some big words!

Not hugging her, not consenting to be hugged by her, not impressed with her victim complex.

Honestly, I’m surprised Marco showed up. That dude has to be some kind of glutton for public humiliation.

Good for you. Now quit judging how others live or I’ll judge you right back.

These recent stories reminded me that Lewandowski was married when he was dating Hope Hicks. People should stop portraying her as a misguided naif.

Considering he still called for the Central Park 5 to be locked up, even after they were completely exonerated...I’d happen to guess the stable genius knows nothing about due process....much like everything else.

My 7 year old niece has devised a chart where she puts stickers on squares that are numbered. The numbers correspond to a list of misogynistic hot phrases she hears at school, on TV, from my mother, etc. When her chart is full she hands it to the closest adult and demands $20 for Space Camp.

FYI this is not me giving up, just need to rant.