
It honestly baffles my mind how many women are not a one-issue-voter on the issue of paid family leave. I am pregnant and made me mistake to go on some pregnancy forums (ugh, that was a terrible mistake. I wish someone had warned me how much BS one encounters in such forums). There are so many pregnant women PREGNANT

Oh no, he couldn’t log into twitter. Who cares? Is twitter supposed to be our surrogate for emergency notifications? What about people who don’t use or follow twitter? That’s like saying the warnings themselves should be sent out over twitter instead of the alert notification. So you live in oklahoma and there’s a

Considering we have a traitor as President, methinks your viewpoint is askew.

It’s almost like Democrats are move savvy media consumers who think about the interest being served by a given piece of news and Republicans enjoy being spoon fed views that reinforce their existing opinions.

Our ancestors didn’t have antibiotics or vaccines. Or sneakers. Or birth control. I don’t think we have to do what they do.

If only the Greek system had taught you to use a shift key, I might be able to take you seriously.

Well, let’s begin the string of “Oh, but fraternities/sororoties do so much charity and other good things” exceptionalism...

this. though I am baffled that so many people are immediately talking about how they just don’t have the energy for that, or that it will make assholes feel entitled, or that people who call you names don’t “deserve” help. no one has asked anyone to do anything, and as for entitlement and who deserves what, why? why

I am really tired of people automatically jumping to “it’s not an excuse!” when no one has said it was. It certainly is a factor tho, as anyone living in chronic pain can tell you.

In US english, yes. In Australia, NZ, and UK, it’s spelled ‘apologise’ as my computer is set to NZ settings and autocorrects all of my US spelling to NZ spelling. Such as “color” is usually changed to “colour” and I had to force autocorrect to not change it.

I think that’s the point though. You can. We all can, it’s just so fucking hard sometimes. It’s so hard when someone is shitty to you to recognize that they’re probably coming from a place of pain, so we go through a cycle of negativity being shitty to each other around and around. But then if somebody can respond to

wait for it...

But women are still in charge of buying office birthday cards.

The world’s oldest wedding ring bearer. When little boys wear a tux with their cute little toddler tummies, it’s adorable. With an old fart in his 70's with Wal-Mart Barbie at his side, no so much.

I just did a Google image search for “Michelle and Barack” and they look happy and awesome in each photo that came up. I couldn’t even pick just one to use here, all of them were so great. Then I got sad because I miss them.

Quick warn the cook at mar-lago. Ha can tell what’s his face no more chocy cake.

it would be horrible and morbidly funny if the threat of wiping out the world’s chocolate would get every climate change denier to work to fix the environment’s war on chocolate.

One can only hope.

The Republicans will go extinct long before Chocolate does.

Amen. I’m sickened and scared, too. It seems law enforcement and society at large thinks domestic violence is a big fucking joke. Case in point, the first person replying to you is making total joke of your post.