
So he’s saying he should have acted like a man and thought like a woman?

yep...not too many Amy Carters born into the ruling class.

Probably because no judge in the world would have granted such a warrant given the fact that the guy in question did NOTHING wrong and was not under any form of investigation.

First they came for the greys...

Did anybody actually watch the video of that insane clusterfuck in the Oval Office? The one where some chanting preacher was dramatically invoking Jesus’ name and thanking God for Trump and Pence and for giving the President the wisdom to call for a national day of prayer, and a woman appeared to be weeping,

She bugs me.

Super proud of her for telling the damn truth regardless but fucking bummed that she lost her coin. I really hope this winds up opening new and better doors for her.

As a New Jersey-ite, all I can remember is most of these mofos doing their best to block aid to desperate people after Hurricane Sandy. We should help Houston ONLY in exchange for them leaving the GOP and their climate denying, aid-withholding representatives. Tough love.

Robert E. Lee’s direct descendant is a librul and I hope it gives white supremacists the raging shits.

“This post deserves all of the stars.”

With a name like Smelcer he had to be bad.

That bitch ain’t pregnant, she just fat and stupid.

Okay Paul Ryan, what exactly does Trump have to say before you get bothered? Asking for some friends (millions of them).

I think we ALL know who is the most tremendous pathological liar.

And just like what always happens people will buy this stuff, try to make something elaborate like on the show, fail, and then leave it to sit in their cupboards for a decade.

I was totally on board with accepting the new hosting situation but after watching the most recent season on PBS I’m starting to worry a bit. The chemistry was too perfect, it’s just not going to be the same. Plus I just love the way Mary Barry takes those adorable little bites.

Look, I didn’t fuck that sheep.

He knew he needed to be merciful after she pulled her own arms and legs off.

So he definitely murdered her.