
We know he destroyed the art deco bas relief friezes of the Bonwit Teller Bldg - after the Metropolitan Museum agreed to pay for their preservation and removal - when he built Trump Tower. Because HE didn’t think they were important (and he’d know better than the Met!)

That’s why New York’s elite have always mocked Trump. He’s the hillbilly’s idea of a rich man. Old money New Yorkers not only don’t have gold plated penthouses, they wouldn’t step foot in one.

Poor Selma Blair. Dogs don’t live anywhere near long enough.

Damn, that’s rich. It’s always those dudes who boast a little too much about their war service. They’re always complete fucking frauds. I’m looking at you, Jesse Ventura and dead Chris Kyle.

IDK Jujy, when my students start talking about their YouTube channel people my eyes glaze over and I pull a Judy.

Cucumbers are DELICIOUS and I will eat fresh cucumber slices all damn DAY

They are not “nasty tweets,” they are threats—some of them aimed at children. And if you think that’s not a major problem with the democratic process, I don’t know what to tell you.

Jesus Christ this is a condescending post. Sinead O’Conner has had 20 years of professional help. For many people mental illness is a life sentence. So your assertion that “it works” is both a lie and a slap in the face to people who aren’t going to ever permanently recover.

Jujy was expressing concern and hope that she gets help. That’s all. Pipe down. Nobody is belittling how sick the mentally ill are or minimizing how much pain people who have mood disorders have to live through every day.

You and the other editor are reading a great deal into someone’s simple words of concern/sympathy. The OP said she/he didn’t know if O’Connor had sought professional help. Many people don’t for all sorts of reasons.

That’s a bit of an overreaction. I don’t think the comment was condescending.


I think that, fit or not, if you feel the need to append “of Steel” to your name, you have deeper issues than other people’s political gestures.

“Are these the type of ‘leaders’ you want moving down to the line and leading your sons and daughters, graduates with an agenda?”

“Are these the type of ‘leaders’ you want moving down to the line and leading your sons and daughters, graduates with an agenda?”