
But... she’d just eat you. It’s all good with cats.

Or my cats?!!!1?


No way, dude. PJ Tips roolz!

Wow, talk about throwing everything you can into the conversation to prove your point. How about saying something like, “Yeah, you have a point here.”

There is some species of spider (dunno which kind) which hatches out in early summer. The spiderlettes are about the size of a pinhead and clump together for 3-4 days. If you breathe on them, they all drop down on a thread, but then reclump. They are CUTE!

That would be one fat snake, but the cat/cucumber thing is hilarious.

Never had a snake show up, but rats used to pop up in our toilet when we lived near a river that the toilets in the neighborhood used to dump into.

Where did you find the good panforte recipe?

Would. Eat.

Recipe for the fries?

My failsafe pita recipe is from an old cookbook called ‘The Portable Feast’. Works every time, even if you don’t follow the instructions exactly. I love me some Greek food.

Uh, how do you hurt a machine made to keep people from breaking into it? WTF?

Let’s not forget the assholes who wanted to BUY them, as well.

I think she did a really dipshit, stupid thing and had her PR person write an “apology” for her.

Does he even realize what a twunt he looks?

Then... failure. And PS, I’m not male, I’m not a MRA moran, and I still didn’t think it was funny.

Huh. “Libtard”. Does somebody have a can of TrollBGone handy?


I’m SO glad you have the inside scoop as to these people. Must be nice to be omniscient.