
Uh... you *do* realize she/he was talking about Michael, do you not?

Sure sounds like grounds for a lawsuit. Get the bastard - and his cohorts. He didn’t do all of this on his own.

Or at least take it to the drycleaners. That little fact made her po-po-innocent me routine a tad suspect.


Not knowing anything that jewelry, I might have assumed it was one of the Three Wise Guys...

And them killing the poor and children and retirees is cool?

You... kept them?

There is no fucking way she signed her own name.

I thought Canada was the place to look for severed human feet.....

No, but they knew it afterwards, and are *still* defending him. That makes them dipshits in my mind.

But, but, but.... they said that the compensation did NOT mean he was guilty!!!1!

I just looked at Adrian’s website. Malwart is a proud sponsor!


She’s a grown woman. Used to be a model. You think she’d show a little more savvy with her butt-ugly clothes.

I’m sorry you feel this way. And if you are being snarky? Bugger off.

Well, whatever. It was his money. But it’s shitty for Gerber to out him. And for what reason?

None of the cops have been put on leave.

No, only is an open bathrobe.


What’s with the weird capitalization in shitgibbon’s tweets?