NRA Could “Be Forced to Shut Down Forever,” Says Executive Vice President
NRA Could “Be Forced to Shut Down Forever,” Says Executive Vice President
You get that formal guilt is strictly a legal thing, that the idiom in casual speech is meant to be informal, and that society/private sector can enact their own policies for behavior?
I like how she made it real passive when it comes to thanking: “They never give America credit” but real personal when it comes to blaming: “start blaming people who had nothing to do with slavery for the sin of slavery.” Bitch you can’t ask for credit for ending slavery in 1865 but not take blame for perpetuating…
Trump digs the GOP grave day by day, shovel load by shovel load.
One of the least punk things there is in this world is sitting around making judgements about what is and is not punk.
That’s beautiful. Truly, no sarcasm, that’s awesome.
You’re a fucking nightmare person and should be forcibly removed from the internet. If you watch that clip and your first reaction to a person crying because their spouse beat them is ‘Well technically she deserved it because she threw the paper equivalent of a wafer at him.’, then you are warped, and clearly trying…
I just watched the full things, you sure did over exaggerate what she did. Kind of weird that you would hit someone over a piece of cardboard but you do you!
“...none of the staff at the Hacienda HealthCare facility knew the patient was pregnant until she went into labor and began moaning.”
Yeah, but you said “collaboration.” That word implies a very different thing. I would certainly consider Kellyanne Conway a collaborationist. But, I would not consider her the same thing as a rural/smalltown woman feeding herself/her family in starvation circumstances by essentially prostituting herself to occupying…
As in, “Don’t emulate those horrible assholes who held kangaroo courts and shamed and then assaulted women who were trying to survive any way they could”?
Maybe having to wear the Trump logo forever, instead of an “A”.
I know where you are coming from, but there is a huge area between going to trial and offering this absolute give-away of a plea deal. They could offered a deal anywhere between rape and what they gave him, I don’t think they had to let him off quite this easy. Also, the DA participates in voir dire too so it’s…
“Remorse” did not undo the damage his politically expedient policies did to marginalized communities. HW’s policies still reverberate and damage those same communities. His death doesn’t diminish how horrible he was.
It’s weird how their primary strategy isn’t, “Maybe let’s just not be fucking creeps.”
Bitches be Tripi.
For stain removal, Folex and (oddly and surprisingly) the Oxy+Woolite carpet spray work reliably and well. Definitely adding that cleaner to the shopping list; never hurts to have options.
For stain removal, Folex and (oddly and surprisingly) the Oxy+Woolite carpet spray work reliably and well.…
I’ll start the flame war. I am viciously against breeding, as the owner of a purebred cat.
Traitors are not necessarily the same thing as slave owners. I’m not sure our president understands that. Don’t you?
I’m struggling to decide whether this is dumb, off topic, whataboutism, or just trolling.