OK, troll/stupid.
OK, troll/stupid.
I get that tattoos are not for everyone and personal taste and all that, but equating tattoos to self-harm is pretty shitty.
I didn’t even know who Sophie Okenedo was prior to your post, but google images tells me she’s super fucking cute.
Idk if you’ve tried it, but I kind of have standard date talking points in case of any lull.
Is it going to be overrun by male “me first” commenters?
Friday. If it’s good, you don’t worry about work. If it sucks, you probably have somewhere to be Saturday anyway. Plus you get bonus Saturday and Sunday night with friends or family.
George pretty much announced he was gay when he filmed the Club Tropicana video. The only think I can’t understand is how Andrew is straight.
The whole thing was anti-misandry. It’s saying it’s silly to generalize about all men because of one man’s actions.
lol you really don’t get it. You being terrible at social situations is mostly your fault. Women being punished in professional settings is in no way their fault
I rewatched Buffy not too long ago and Xander really is the worst.
Fucking great. Of course the one contest I could win on this earth has to run by a weirdo nazi sympathizer pervy creepy sexual harasser.
I read this as Frida Pinto and Diego Luna. Lol. My first thought was “they’re dating?” And then “Diego Luna paints?”
And let’s not forget Bryan Singer! An equal opportunity pig who wades in the teen pool. Quite literally.
Yep and I’m still pissed at Lisa and will never trust her again. I’m serious if Stephanie Miller has her on her radio show I will never listen to it again. She glosses over way too much stuff now and this would be the final straw.
A mother’s job is never done. We just witnessed some much needed adult parenting.
I don’t watch Suits but a few months ago I was talking to a co-worker about Scandal. And we were both saying how we don’t like it as much as we used to. Then I said but I still love her suits. And he thought I said I still love Suits and started talking about that show. It took me a minute to realize the confusion and…
Have you noticed their silence on this post? I hope they see this. They’ve been making me uncomfortable for awhile now. I’m relieved to know I’m not alone.
It blows my mind how there are a handful of male commenters who comment ON EVERY FUCKING ARTICLE, usually as soon as it’s published and have no self awareness that maybe they should take a back seat on an expressly women oriented site. Like, feel free to participate but say something when it’s useful or insightful…
I love the tutoring bit. “Bloom is seemingly on his side, putting together a ‘team of people’ and working as his ‘tutor’ to somehow make him see the light of his ways.”