Uh, I’m a 36 yo woman not a men’s rights activist? Also I can imagine a world where playfulness, teasing, and affection are combined, even in a transactional way and doesn’t end in date rape.
Uh, I’m a 36 yo woman not a men’s rights activist? Also I can imagine a world where playfulness, teasing, and affection are combined, even in a transactional way and doesn’t end in date rape.
Kind of like Sarah Jessica Parker did?
They want to show that when Jesus was resurrected he was a more perfect representation of holiness; he goes from being a young, good-looking white man, to being a middle-aged, good-looking white man.
Do you need a place to find nuclear news? Because Dirt Bag is not that place.
The passion of the Christ 2 : Those damn Jews again.
To play Devil’s advocate, there seem to be 2 possible narratives here.
Bad news about Paul Walker - he got involved with the 16 year old working as his babysitter...
LOL, she already bagged a role as ‘Companion’—for life!
Yeah, I don’t understand why some people are baffled by the concept of “living my life.” My parents are retired and expect me to answer texts immediately. My 3 closest friends don’t work and they have the same expectation. I keep explaining that I was driving across the city, I was at a movie, I was in a meeting or…
Oh for the days when a text message was considered a message, and not an immediate written conversation that you are now a part of. LE SIGH.
Even just a month ago if you said “Merry Christmas” people looked at you like a total weirdo. Now? Everyone’s saying it, you can’t enter a store without seeing Christmas goods, every radio station is playing Christmas songs and every television station is playing Christmas specials. There is a Christmas Tree in almost…
Well, they could bring it back - with the two Aunt Vivs now a lesbian couple both called Vivian. And Will Smith calls both of them Aunt Viv, and the dialogue is scripted with a wink to the audience in a way that you can never tell which of the two Vivs used to be married to Uncle Phil, or is the biological children of…
I just don’t know why we venerate these people and their dumb anachronistic clique whatsoever.
They are the very essence of classism, exclusion and snobbery.
Royalty is a rotten concept that belongs in the past or on Westeros.
Rewatch it. There are subtle hints that she’s been abused in her past or witnessed extreme domestic abuse. She mentions to Ed (I think that’s his name) that they all have things in their past. She flips out when Skye sees her husband yelling at her half sister and escalating. And she is watching very carefully at the…
Looks like Boy George, sings like Michael Bolton.
Part of it has to be the name. It is a ridiculous name. As a shortening of Christopher it is shit. No one says chrisTOPHER.
Here’s what I have begun to wonder about American Beauty: remember the breakout teen in that film, Wes Bentley? I absolutely fancied him when the film was released, but noticed he had the least visible post-AB career of the three. When he later popped up in the off-Broadway run of Venus in Fur (which is excellent), a T…
I’m actually even more impressed by his acting in American Beauty now. I really wonder how he convincingly acted the scene when he realizes that Mena Suvari is just a scared kid when he clearly never had that realization in real life.
You know most of us work with or around some sort of predator, schools, offices, churches etc. The numbers will point that out. I just dont see the need to burn down everything because of it. They are a lot of workers and their families that suffer when you do that shit. Unless you covered for or enabled a predator…