I honestly spent so long confused that Obama had hired Jon Favreau and Jon Lovitz before I bothered to google and discover they weren’t the guys from Swingers and Rat Race.... Get some new names white men!
I honestly spent so long confused that Obama had hired Jon Favreau and Jon Lovitz before I bothered to google and discover they weren’t the guys from Swingers and Rat Race.... Get some new names white men!
My favourite response to “If a man/white person/straight person/other privileged group did it, it would be offencive!” it’s to just to agree “yes, different circumstances would indeed be different”
I mean yeah!!!!
Haha maybe I just feel in the minority because when discussing Mila/Mcauley all my friends expressed disgust while I quietly thought “I get it...”
I know I’m in the minority, but I’m fully on the Macaulay Culkin is hot train. Had a crush on him since he was Karen’s(?) lawyer on Will and Grace...
I disagree with you on Sansa, but you are so right about Rickon! That boy dying was pure darwinism
OMG I just called him Danish Joshua Jackson to you in a reply upthread!!
God, he’s totally hot. I fancied the actor from this Danish show, Borgan, he was in, so I keep finding myself excusing/explaining Euron’s bad behaviour. I still think of him as my Danish Joshua Jackson, so this character is causing a bit of cognitive dissonance...
It’s a derogatory name for a black person who isn’t “black enough” i.e. brown on the outside white on the inside. I think you guys (not you personally) use the term oreo in the US? That said, this UKIP lady is white (duh), so I’m unsure how she is an arbitrator of blackness
My first takeaway also
I do love the idea of normal person wooing includes hours long dates in Paris. I’m a normal person, and tbh, I’m happy when someone takes me to a bar that isn’t a chain...
LOL! I would love that. I don’t even have a team in these celebrity fights, I just love petty behaviour...
I am home from work sick, and this comment just made me iller...
Off topic, but amazing user name!
I’m over the moon Battersea turned red!!
And has a billion dollars
Where’s Wallace, String? Where Wallace???
No way is it less than £1M. Not that it’s worth £1M, but London property prices are dumb....
In the UK (or at least London) bear also means “lots of”
I feel my distaste for donuts can be traced back to that film....