
Lol, I was fully “get it gurl!” til she explained he was her son... Finally, another hot living Kennedy! I was not here for that teenagher TS was breifly tapping...

God, I hate that trope, when some coy 15 year old seduces some middle aged man! Fishtank actually has a very good portrayal of this kind of relationship - Fassbender is the older guy, and they do a good job at showing you both how he is charming and attractive; and a fucking creep....

I quote the “all of the power instead of just most of it” part all the time!

Oh, god, how I would LOVE Sadiq as PM...

I’m cracking up at that mental image.. Thanks for putting a smile on my face!

Yes! Omg - Goldblum was giving me knickers feelings back before I knew what was going on, and I still would, even in his 70s..

I understand - my dad is also a lovely man with an asshole sense of humour

lol, mean but true...

Please come talk to my countrymen! Currently I feel like it’s just me that has a problem with this archaic shit..

I love this child...

I’m really sorry you’re going through this; you are right that you have your whole lifer in front of you though! Just keep living the best way you can...

I’m not certain of your age, but i can attest that there was a period where ALL I WANTED was a claddaugh ring like the one Angel gave to Buffy; not sure how localised that fashion was, but they were v. cool when I was in primary school..

I don’t know why he would even disavow - who in his fan base is going to be put off that he’s a racist? Don’t we already know he is?