Pacer Racer

Agreed 100%. For our parents, you couldn’t make any money unless you went to college, or so they believed, so that’s what they told us. It’s not the case anymore, and we end up spending a quarter of our lives in debt for an average salary. While the smart kids who went to tech school or apprenticeships are now

Shit...enthusiasts are the hipsters of the automotive world.

I’m mid thirties and did not want to compromise. I built the 4 door sedan. Room for the fam and the pulls for me.

oh yeah, that thing, insurance? and registration? $$$

It seems like Jalopnik has become an echo chamber for political views that ignore both sides of an argument and agree with whatever MSNBC said this morning. I liked it more when it was about cars. I’ll take my clicks elsewhere so someone else can make their fractions of a penny on my viewership.

With this article Jalopnik returns to what got me here in the first place. Car stories for people who love cars and not for people who just like to show how much money they can spend.

I also don’t care a bit about the latest M5 or who is winning in NASCAR. If we could just stick to stories, classified hunting, and home-garage tech stuff, I would be perfectly happy. Tell me about the time you barrel-rolled a Nova, show me a list of craigslist ads where the seller got the manufacturer wrong (I saw a

Maybe I’m only one voice in the wilderness, but this is the kind of stuff I come to Jalopnik for. I care approximately zero about how many valves per cylinder on the new M5 and I care approximately negative nine thousand about motorsports.

I fixing up a ‘78 Fairmont, so, yea... I’m nuts, too :) .

Build what you like! My project is a ‘73 Plymouth Valiant, 4-door with a slant-6. Yes, I’m nuts too.

Keep doing what you’re doing. :) I’ll be at your display first.

We’d call it a bobcat.

Okay, there are a couple of things wrong with your synopsis here. First of all, while the GT-R is hilariously fast, and boring whenever used at less than 9/10ths, these two aren’t necessarily related. You’re talking about a car with a hugely powerful, but otherwise boring engine, and a driveline designed with maximum

Nope. Current LaCrosse is made in Kansas. Production moves to Detroit for the all-new ‘17 version.

Yup. The current generation is made in Fairfax, KS.


Alternatively, anyone who’s been to the Corvette factory can tell you why that place needs some upgrades. It looks straight out of 1985 in there.

Oh, let me count them...

I’ve had a few since I like dragging home hopeless basket cases, but one that I lament a lot was a BMW 600 aka Isetta Limo that I came across in a chicken coop in northern California while helping a friend location scout a movie. It was covered in chicken shit and hadn’t moved in at least 40 years, but it was rare and