Are you judging my lifestyle choices!?! HOW DARE YOU. If I weren’t so hungry and sleepy and in need of flute music I would block your path!
Are you judging my lifestyle choices!?! HOW DARE YOU. If I weren’t so hungry and sleepy and in need of flute music I would block your path!
Seth Bullock selling houses tho?
Just so you know, as a Snorlax, I could totally battle and defeat pikachu.
I’m all about pushing against type, but she does have an air of Manic Pixie Dream Girl about her in real life, even if only aesthetically. That said, I think this is awesome:
Meanwhile, if it makes you feel as old as it made me feel, her dad is about to turn 52.
I wish that logic had worked for me when I visited the Georgia Aquarium. “I’ll go on a weekday. Kids will be in school. It will be quiet!” Cut to my cab pulling up behind NINE buses full of kids on a field trip. Actually, the kids were cute; the chaperones/parents were the problem (hogging the exhibits by having the…
yes me too!
so much <3 to you for being able to admire two people at once (what a novel idea)...
me, i’m a hillary gal but i think sanders is dope.
and that’s all i’ve got to say about that!
I’m not super fond of these two but I’m happy they’re happy. Whatever.
Have you ever heard the story of how Bill and Hillary met? Apparently they were making eyes at one another in a law library, so she marched up to him and said “if you’re going to keep looking at me and I’m going to keep looking at you, we ought to know one another. I’m Hillary Rodham.” His response? “I forgot my own…
I grew up in Richmond, and you would not believe the amount of people who made excuses for this dipshit. His fans are the dirt fucking worst.
Not at all. I have no problems with Sanders. I’m not voting for him, but I wouldn’t be upset if he were President. It’s just frustrating that so many people I know are pro-Hillary but not anti-Bernie, yet virtually no one is pro-Bernie but not anti-Hillary. To the point where if anyone mentions they’re supporting her,…
In her version of the events, Patti asserted that she wanted to leave the property, but was unable to do so because her car was blocked by another one parked in front of hers. Brown then called the cops, who then arrested her; Patti says she was subsequently cleared of all charges.
But...did you read the story?
This has nothing to do with who people should and should not vote for. I said nothing about feminism, intersectionality, or reason to vote for Hillary. I merely pointed out that saying that a Hillary Clinton campaigner being portrayed as excited to meet Hillary Clinton has nothing to do with how we think “women are…
It’s not the media who decides there are only 2 choices - it’s the way our government is currently set up. I think it would be great to have viable 3rd parties - the more opinions in the mix the better, and the idea of a coalition government is a fantastic one. I also would be delighted if there were laws on the books…
I met her once. You are completely correct. She has a huge amount of personal charisma.
Chris Brown is long past being given the benefit of doubt when it comes to abusing women and what he considers effeminate men. He was lucky to be able to hang on to his career. What will be the last straw? When he finally kills someone?